June 25th, 2004 -- by Bacchus
An Uncut Penis
Although uncut penises are just about as rare as real breasts in American porn, you have clamored and I have found one — by going overseas, of course. Coincidentally, several of you have reminded me of the National Penis Day recently celebrated in New Zealand. Naked Protesters has the pictures:
That’s a fellow named Alex Behan.
This entry was posted on Friday, June 25th, 2004 at 10:46 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=880
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=880
Not bad, not bad — can you find any close ups? ;-)
(yeah, yeah, just like a woman; never satisfied….)
Uh, did you click through the link? At least one better closeup there….
Wow….I want…He’s actually quite magnificent. Sigh
I like uncut. I know people who won’t sleep with a guy who is, but I don’t even really notice. I think uncut is better and more natural. pretty pic.
Skada, why would anyone refuse to sleep with an uncut man?
Bacchus – yes I clicked through after I posted the comment. :-)
Gosh aren’t the background crowd a jolly lot. The naked sweet one must have a nice bum?
it seems that lots of american are circumcised
why is that, appart from religion?
more strange is that women seem to prefer it that way.
I prefer cut…but I wouldn’t refuse an uncut one!
I have a couple acquaintances who think a penis is dirty and ugly if it is intact. They are shallow and probably very uncomfortable with bodies (their own inclded).
I don’t know if the circumsizing over here (in NA) is a matter of hygiene or just ‘the thing to do.’ It was very popular here, and then it wasn’t and now it is. And circumsized dads tend to circumsize their boys.I’ve asked people why they did or didn’t cut their babies, and those that had but weren’t religious could really give me an answer. It’s usually somewhere along the lines of ‘they told me to.’
So overall ladies, which is better? Cut or Uncut?
Uncut, it’s natural. But like I said before it doesn’t make much difference to me.
Uncut is much more fun to handle and suck. And there’s just something about sliding my tongue between the foreskin and the head…. mmmmmmm!
Penthouse has long pushed for the practice to stop, saying it takes away a lot of a man’s erogenous zone. Man who’ve been circumcized later in life (usually because of a religious conversion), however have said it doesn’t make a difference.
Since you ask I prefer cut but if it’s not that’s fine too.
Yummy yummy yummy!!
I hate to see June come to an end … *sigh*
I like ’em cut. Haven’t had much exposure to or experience with uncut. Don’t really know what to do with all that extra skin…
Belle, there’s not all *that* much extra skin & once you get used to it, it’s not big deal. BJs & handjobs can take 2 hands until it “inflates” enough to hold the skin back on its own, but other than that, there’s not really that much difference from a user perspective. ;-)
I’ve talked with a lot of lady friends about this topic. Our general consensus (mine included) is that most men who are intact weren’t taught the necessity of thorough & frequent cleaning, and the results of that are quite often very nasty. I mean, most men wouldn’t want to sleep with a woman who didn’t bathe with a good wash of the folds & crevices a minimum of once daily (more if sweating often) and who just pulled up her drawers after a brief drip-dry every time after urinating!
Definitely uncut is the best. More to do with it, and when it’s erect it looks very much like a cut one anyway!
More to play with, more to do with it, and YES he has to keep it clean! But he’d have to do that whichever variety he had.
The word Lilith is too polite to use is “smegma”.
As an English owner of an uncut penis, I can merrily assure all cut penis advocates that it’s perfectly simple to keep an intact penis clean and in good working order. This fascination with circumcision seems to be a very American oddity.
My (American) girlfriend once compared the emergence of the head from the foreskin to the blossoming of a flower… which I found very flattering.
I know how he feels.
‘Tis a lonely world, the one of an uncut.
he’s a cutie, in that cute hipster haircut sort of way!
There is nothing better then to slide the foreskin up and down. My American bf escaped the knife and I’m glad.I think uncut penises are so sexy.
In Poland, Europe, 99% are uncut (and i never saw a cut one ‘in real’). I’ve heard that circumsizing is popular in te U.S. but i never realized it is SO popular. Why do you do it?
My Canadian boyfriend is uncut. Before him I only had cut and I definitely prefer uncut. Foreskin is fun for handjobs and blowjobs. I love watching him getting erect and sort of “pushing” himself up through his foreskin. Very sexy. Plus it makes him look larger, which I find a turn on.
I am an american boy and I am uncut. I have never had sex because I am so afraid of what she will have to say. I even thought about moving to europe when i get older so that I wont have to worry about it. I feel very a lone in this world and it sucks. But, I must say I have read the benefits to being uncut and I am glad I am. BUT, i am still afraid of the reaction.
I LOVE my uncut penis and surely would never have survived life without it.
I also have often thought that the odour from the inside of skin is so very subtle and gourmet quality. As far as smell goes it is so unique and very sophisticated when compared to others mens perfumes on the market.
If someone could make it I would buy it!!!!
My bf is uncut, and I love the movement of an uncut penis in my mouth as it goes from soft to hard. Stroking it and feeling all that skin move is soooo sexy and hot. Mmmmm. Then the precum starts to form and get all over his foreskin. I think I am going to go wake my bf and give my bf a blow job now…..
I have the best of both worlds: a partial circumcision. It’s still covered enough to protect things and play with while when rock hard the head is completely exposed for the pleasure of the female. (In america, many females like cut peni because of the friction the head creates against the walls of the vagina. *shrugs*
Oh, goodness. He is BEAUTIFUL. I love the faraway, wistful look on his face. He looks all hopeful and idealistic! Sooooooo dreamy! :)
Also, I’ve never been with an uncut guy, but I’d like to experience it at some point. Actually, now that I think about it, I remember my first bf telling me that he’d been born without a foreskin.
My B/f has an uncut penis and I love it. When the skin slides in and out it feels so much better. I’ve been with guys who are cut and its boring. I am American and so is my boyfriend.
Uncut are the best. For the uncut boys who read this: If your just happen to have a ignorant girlfriend who tells you she doesn’t like uncut guys, then just tell her this: “Fine. I will get circumcized after you.”
I am uncut and would not trade it for anything. I am an american white male who grew up in the middle of the country and was not, though I never asked my mom why I was not. I did get teased a little in the locker rooms, but never had any trouble getting girls, I dont think most of them knew the difference at that age. As I got older and some women found out or it was brought up in a group conversation, I would be asked to later to show them what one looked liked, which to more opportunties for sex. Any way long story happy with my uncut penis and would not trade away or get it cut.