November 18th, 2004 -- by Aphrodite
Same Ol’ Thing, But From A Different Perspective
Luscious breasts are great to admire, but just as eating the same breakfast every day can get old, the same old views of titties can lose their power to capture one’s interest.
Ever-vigilant to keep that from happening to our dear readers, I’m happy to say this photo ought to do it:
Sure got my attention…..then made me wonder, What would my boobs look like from underneath?
Another mystery find.
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Let me say that again. Yum.
VERY cool photo.
Aphrodite, that’s you… isn’t it?
@Karl I totally agree, YUMMY
I remember reading an article somewhere that under-boob-cleavage is the new cleavage. I guess that passed.
Interesting picture, though.
Excellent! I’m gonna ask the Mrs. to post hers.
Gaze on her bosom of sweets, and take
This truth for a constant rule:-
Enchanting woman can always make
The wisest of men a fool.
I finally found some kool blog sites, none of this damn political BS!
Keep up the good work ! :laugh:
Is that Next Door Nikki? Wish she lived next door to me..
Great pic.
That’s freakin awesome! :laugh: Like I say – It’s all about the angles. Rock n Roll!
Nice! Boobalicious! That’s the best view for mellons.
add me to your messenger
great boobs indeed
and great perspective :)
Don’t know how your boobs look, but your nose looks fine from this angle.