Disneyland Memorial Orgy, Take 2
I know our gracious host mentioned this illustrious artwork a while ago, and included a link to a version of it. But that version is just black and white. It’s so much prettier in full Disney-style color:

You say it’s too small for you to appreciate the depicted debauchery? Okay then, here’s the larger version a friend sent me.
Update: Bacchus here. Since I posted the earlier post to which Aphrodite refers, I’ve discovered that this artwork is available in a handsome poster format from the website of the artist original publisher himself, one Paul Krassner. As you can see on his page, Paul’s got a modern digital recoloring, in a lighter and (to my eye) prettier set of colors. I actually ordered several copies of the poster from Paul, and he was fast and friendly about getting them in the mail. ErosBlog recommended!
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=1752
heheeeh, I showed a copy of this to my pop culture lecturer, she really enjoyed it
this poster was not done originaly by Walace Wood ?
Lou, it was — hence my error correction strikeout. Wood was the artist, Krassner was/is the publisher who bought the art, owns the rights, and is currently selling the posters.
mot imporant i
is to enjoy