October 19th, 2006 -- by Bacchus
Sex By The Sea Wall
When you take your date and the BIG bottle of wine down below the seawall for a quick bit of broad daylight public sex, it’s important to remember that, although the people strolling the street above you can’t easily see you, the people cruising the shoreline in small boats have a much better vantage:
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For somereason, when I look at this picture — I get the idea that she isn’t enjoying it so much. No idea why — because I’d be all up for it…
Anyway — I think that we’re long overdue for some nice male nudity — too many breasts lately and not enough male frontals ;)
I am so with KB on this one…let’s get some man action.
When I see something like this, I wonder about the conversation that took place moments before. And since I’m a guy, I always wonder what the woman was saying (because most men are always horny and indifferent to place and time except for ‘here’ and ‘now’). Was she saying ‘you mean RIGHT now? HERE?’ or was it more male-fairy-tale-ish ‘please, I’ve got to right NOW right HERE’? I am naive I suppose, I just can’t imagine how things like this just happen…
The people above may not be able to see you,
but do you think they may be able to HEAR you?
I wouldn’t mind having sex on the river edge even with people looking, the only thing I don’t like in this photograph is obviously the bloody cold weather! Of course male nudity is always welcome, no need to repeat that.
I agree with previous post… I don’t get the vibe of her liking it. I know wer can’t see her very well, but there’s just… something that’s not right…
That’s a big bottle of booze.
I like this picture because it depicts the sheer urgency of their needs. Yes I don’t suppose there was much foreplay going on but they may have downed that bottle of wine next to them and that will tend lower people inhibitions and make their sexual drive a little more animalistic. Thus quite possibly neither of them felt much need for foreplay. A very thought provoking picture in any case!
haven’t exactly been THERE, and done that, but for a long time I had a running silver dollar bet with a friend about what we could get away with and which of us was more daring. Person making the bet got the dollar if the other person backed out, if she went through with it she got the dollar. Months of inexpensive fun.
Nice! I love spontainious sex, especially outdoors.
Maybe it was a fantasy of his that they’ve talked about for a while, to fuck by the sea wall or something like that, and she just wasn’t _that_ into it, but after talking a while, and having a few drinks, (It’s not _that_ big of a bottle. Heck, a normal bottle holds barely 4 glasses, and this one looks half full) she just said, okay, lets do it.
-That’s how I see it anyway.
alcohol-fueled public sex is awesome. i am lucky that my wife is into it. we recently got into it under a bridge with people watching from above.
if he was a gentleman, he would’ve sat on the wet cement and let her ride him!
I saw this picture and had a different interpretaion of the sexes involved. I’d like to make my case. I realize that it’s just my opinion, but here goes:
To me it looks more like a young Gerard Depardieu and Carson Daley went down to the docks, got swackered, and dropped trou.
First off, the receptive partner is not bent over, so I suspect it’s a higher placed oriface that’s being penetrated (meaning anal sex), perhaps because there’s no vagina to use.
Second, it looks a lot to me like it might be two pairs of men’s chino trousers involved.
Thirdly, plenty of men have hair that falls below their ears these days.
Fourthly, it looks like it may well be a two men’s shirts.
Fifthly, the naked hips look awfully boyish to me.
Sixthly, there’s no bikini tan line.
Seventhly, those mitts look awfully meaty. Enlarging the photo a bit helps here.
Eighthtly, that nose smashed on the wall looks like Jimmy Durante’s when the photo is enlarged to full screen size.
Ninthly, when the photo is enlarged to full screen size, the shoulders of the person against the wall, look awfully full.
Tenthly, although I realize that any of these factors could very well apply to a female, I feel that it’s a bit prejudiced to just assume that it’s a heterosexual couple, without any real hard evidence to support it.
Whatever floats yer boat, Dr. Whiplash!
My g/f (at the time) and I once got a lot of waves and cheers from the yachts sailing past…however we were doing it on a sun-drenched secluded little beach in Croatia!