More Sexy Signs
I’ve been known to have fun spotting erotically-charged road signs, and it isn’t surprising to discover I’m not alone. (If you read the comments there you’ll see that the Photoshopped picture has already been identified as a fake, so let’s not bring that subject up here, k thanx.) As the poster at Get Along Gang says, some businesses choose such a name because they know it will get them attention.
Whatever. It would sure be nice to go into a Cocks store and let my eyes linger over their selection…..maybe even choose a thick one to take home since I don’t have a boyfriend. What I’d like best is for this poster (from to be predicting my future:

Thanks to my sister (the hippie-type cool one, not the one that’s making me get into a bridesmaids dress next month) for the sign link.
Shorter URL for sharing:
Nice find
This could cause crashes, if people start looking around for the erection instead of focusing on the road. *g*
P.S. For a moment I thought this had been posted by Bacchus, and got really confused as to why his sister was making him wear a bridesmaid’s dress. As much as it would suit him, I’m sure, it’s not an obvious choice for an allegedly uncool sister.
LOL — I’ve considered before the problem that folks don’t always notice the author byline on this blog. If I were a bit smarter with my CSS and my PHP, I think I’d give Aphrodite’s post a subtly different color scheme or something.
I spent some time in Europe this summer and found a store in Dublin called “Knobs and Knockers”. I didn’t think my friends back home would believe me so I took a picture of the store. I didn’t go in as I was on a quest for a pint of Guinness at the time.
Imagining Bacchus in an evergreen shiny dress almost made me launch my lunch!
Bacchus, I don’t know your alphabet soup stuff either, but if you do work on it, can you use a pretty pink for me? Or maybe a peach color would look better with the yellow……
Pamela Anderson is from BC…