December 14th, 2006 -- by Aphrodite
What I Want For Christmas
Dear Santa or Buddha or Whoever,
Forget the rocket and pony and all the other material crap. This is what I want for Christmas:

If he isn’t available, something close will work just as well.
Thank you,
(Found at Nick Ash Photography.)
This entry was posted on Thursday, December 14th, 2006 at 2:24 pm. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response.
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Exactly!!!! Ho Ho OH!
i want to squeeze those pristine buttocks!
Honey, I hope you get your Christmas Wish. And all the Seasonal trimmings as well. Absolutely one of the more humorous blogs — right to the point.
Oooh. I would like one of those, too, please.
Where can I place my order?
Well Richard if you are that fired up about it then start something! Start a movement for BSM Big Sexy Men or something like that. There are women who love big men. Don’t kid yourself on that one!
Ramble Number One:
What is a fat man to do? Everyone is fixated on the fact that society says that women shouldn’t be of size, but then no one pays attention to the fact that BBW (Big Beautiful Woman) adult films are the second best selling in the United States (Lesbian films take first). Women of size are highly sought after (I know I prefer a larger woman), incredibly sexy, and just generally more attractive than the anorexic image that mainstream society deems a requirement of acceptance for women. And the world is coming around, Dove has the campaign for real beauty, women seem more empowered than ever about their natural beauty, and these are all great things that I applaud greatly.
But, as stated earlier: What is a fat man to do?
You all think that men are the same, that we are all chauvinists, don’t care about women, don’t respect them, just walking penises looking for a place to put ourselves… No one seems to care about the emotions, self esteem, and the like of larger men. There is little to no (big male) pornography. Everyone drools over images of men that are just as fake and enhanced (pec and buttock implants, in case you were unaware, exist) as some bulimic supermodel or surgically altered adult star. Yet most tend to look at a larger man in disgust, instantly dismissing any notions of a romantic relationship or attraction.
Some of society has come to its senses and has instructed women to be proud of themselves and I assure you that there is little more attractive than a voluptuous woman that is comfortable and proud in her own skin, her own sexuality, in herself. Yet a large man is not seen as attractive despite the confidence and pride they have in themselves. I for one am quite happy in my body, I like being a large man, I have more confidence in myself than even most of these metrosexual male model stereotypes that society says are real men. Every woman I have attracted has stated when asked that they are attracted to me because of my wit, high level of intelligence, respect for them, and confidence in myself.
Everyone says they want to end the stereotype that every woman should be some supermodel carbon copy, yet you still want to hold men to the male version of that standard.
So I ask a final time: What is a fat man to do?
My dear Ace (see my blog) is a big man, but I love him dearly and would drop everything at his command. All he has to do is ask.
Oh Dear Richard…
My husband & I are ‘larger’ people… and the
beautiful man is the picture is just eye candy.
Reality – no
Fantasy – Oh yea
Gay man in picture – probably
My two cents: As a big woman who loves any size man (small, medium, large or supersize), I gotta relate to you that in my experience (pushing 40), I’ve known far more women (large & small) who were accepting of men’s extra poundage than the reverse, especially in the long term. One of my very good friends (6′ 3″, somewhere over 300, total sweetheart and mostly a genius) considers himself very unlucky in love, but then he won’t look at a woman who’s got a waist bigger than 24″. On the other hand, about 80% of my lovers have been bigger than me. Admittedly, I haven’t had a problem attracting the thinner men, but the ones who were smaller generally were in it just for the sex–they didn’t want to be seen dating “a fat chick.”
Personally, I’d want some of that man in the photo for Christmas because he’s got a nicely shaped bare ass, but I’d rather have my boyfriend’s hairy belly and man boobs pressed up against my back. As a big girl who admittedly still occasionally chafes against the skinny mainstream ideal, I understand your frustration at feeling underrepresented in the popular culture. These days though, I’m trying to work toward an appreciation of the beauty of the whole spectrum of body types (male & female) rather than reflexively condemning the “skinny bitches” for making my life miserable.
One of the things I love about this blog is the vintage erotica that is sometimes featured. There was a big rosy-cheeked, plump-assed man a few weeks ago in the bathroom fucking picture, as well as one in a somewhat acrobatic cock-sucking one from about the same time period, and I found those as exciting as the sculpted man in the sand.
So what’s a fat man to do, you ask? Either wait for the pendulum of fashion to swing again to the glorification of the abundant, and watch the masses swarm to you; or continue to attract women with your wit, intelligence, respect, and confidence and enjoy your flesh for what it is–not for what it is not.
Thank you to all.