The Power Of The Push Up
The wedding is history at last, and my shiny green dress and red earrings have already been tossed in the trash. (Can I make a motion that any December bride that thinks it’ll be pretty and festive to dress her attendants all Christmassy can be shot?) Thanks to hippie-girl sister, I had a very interesting time.
I have teeny tits compared to most chicks. Not exactly pubescent girl size, but close. And the dress that my other sister, the bride, chose is of a style that requires a decent rack to look good. Even after some serious tailoring, the dress didn’t look good on me. Hippie-sis to the rescue! We went bra shopping, and she convinced me to buy a basic push up bra, like this one:

She said it would make the dress look good on me.
Well, it did more than that. My little boobies, all pushed together to give the illusion of cleavage, got me all kinds of male attention! Lucky for me, the guy that took me back to his hotel after the reception was tipsy enough not to notice the difference between advertised and actual goods.
I thought that the flirting and all was mostly because of the happy mood at the wedding. So I decided to wear the bra again today, to see if it made any difference to the guys at the oil change place I use. They know me, so I thought my blossomed bosom wouldn’t be noticed.
Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
They were extra nice to me…..and their eyes kept wandering south. That’s never happened to me before.
And now I can’t decide if I want to buy six more of these damn things or toss this one in the trash with the dress.
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Push up bras for everyone! I’ll be putting those on my holiday shopping list. ;)
(And yes I agree with your theory on shooting Christmas brides who make us dress up in festive colors!)
As an owner of itty bitty titties myself, I too have experienced the fun of the extra padded push-up bra. Although I generally go bra-less (it’s not like I need one!) I enjoy the occasional illusion of ample cleavage. My advice: use it as your secret weapon for when you really want to grab some attention!
What Leah said.
Buy six more.
What Vance said.
That’s one of those posts that makes me want to tinker the template to remind folks visually that it’s Aphrodite posting, LOL.
‘I have teeny tits compared to most chicks.‘
I dunno what it is with the big tits fetish. Personally, while i like tits in any shape or size, little tiny tits are pretty much my fave. I love when there’s just enough to make them look and feel like breasts. Points for big gum-drop nipples, though.
Big tits aren’t all that great, trust me. I have an F cup (thanks to genetics, not weight gain) and my world revoles around trying to find tops that fit, bras that fit (and don’t look like something out of the 50s) and back ache.
I guess no one is ever really happy with what they have, but just be glad you can go jogging without pain.
I saw the “power of the push up” title and got completely the wrong idea… though I guess they both build up the chest in some sense or other. :)
What Erin said. With the added bonus of working in the trades, so the majority of my co-workers are guys. It’s a fine line between slutty and wearing a sack. And don’t even get me started on when I have to wear my fall protection gear. It cuts into and mashes my tits in all sorts of bad ways.
I suppose none of us are ever entirely satisfied with our bodies.
That being said, I’m glad you, Aphrodite, are loving the push up bras. My sister is a member of the itty bitty titty committee and she loves them as well.
You thought your blossomed bosom wouldn’t be noticed? As Seinfeld once said, “We’re guys– we’re supposed to be superficial.” I just hope they were nice enough to compensate with a discount or extra-fast service. Still, I think I speak for many guys when I say that natural– no matter what size– is preferable to surgically-enhanced any day.
i love breasts, but i tell you what they are just the advertising to entice to bed… even when presented with pushup that makes breats dissapear after taking off, you’re still really looking forward to what is coming…
Molly, I’m not loving the push up bra. Of course it’s nice to get the attention, but if I were to start wearing them wouldn’t I be encouraging the “big tits fetish,” as Karl put it? I am happy with what I have….but I got an unexpected peek into life on the other side of the A cup and liked parts of it.
Gents, don’t you feel cheated in situations like this, when you find out the advertised goods have been, um, assisted, and they aren’t what you expected?
Cheers for teeny titted ladies! I envy the look of cleavage on other women, but I’ve always felt quashed in a push-up. Oddly the boyfriend thinks I would look “weird” with larger breasts; he likes me A cups just the way they are, apparently.
I have a big breast, but wearing these type or bra really make it look better and not fall down to much.
Very good, buy 6 more!!
Darn. Saw this yesterday and I could have been the first to answer. Anyway, it seems we’re pretty much all in agreement. Buy more if you like the look, the clothes fit better and it’s comfortable. Sure, cleavage is hot, but even larger girls lose it when the support is gone.
I like small breasts and have no worries whatever when what pops out is less than the lingerie let on. It can be a fun game trying to decide if there’s enhancement at work. I couldn’t believe it when a partner apologized for being smaller when she took off her bra. She was simply gorgeous. Sigh…
My breasts suffer the same affliction. I do enjoy the ‘perks’ that the bra gets me… but I’d rather go sans and let the girls breathe.
Absolutely an attention getter though. So, it’s worth it to keep a few in the pretties drawer.
Reply to Aphrodite:
No, I don’t feel cheated. For one thing, breasts are only one part of the whole package, so to speak, even if you’re only focused on the physical attributes of a woman. For another, we all know that female undergarments squeeze, push, hide, and redistribute whatever flaws the human body may suffer from. Any guy who says, “Well, I think [insert name of hot female celebrity here] is too fat,” for example, is probably a loser who couldn’t even pick up a crack whore on a cold night.
Before I had my first daughter and my titties officially became jugs, I prefered to go without — I think boys (and a few of the girls) liked to see the pure natural outline under a t-shirt. Now when I want to get that effect, I wear a shelf-cup, which is the best of both worlds — support and enhanced cleavage on the one hand, natural jiggle and a cute nipple outline on the other.
Thanks alot, D and Cassie!
Buy six more! Personally, I get furious when I hear that gorgeous-just-like-they-are celebs like Jennifer Aniston or Meridith Viera “need” or are considering surgical breast enhancement. Small breasts are eternally youthful. I’m ecstatic when the “advertised goods” turn out to be smaller. Besides, ever since I became interested in female breasts, I’ve known about “stuffing”, so most guys expect women to enhance anyway. There’s nothing wrong with trying to look more attractive in your clothing. We guys enjoy all the lifting, mashing, separating, etc. that goes on with bras, swimwear, and other clothing. We like girls who are proud to be girls. A girl who displays a curvy figure is saying “Hey, I’ve got breasts guys. I’m a female”. We don’t care about the size so much as long as you’re not ashamed to have them or afraid to attract a man’s attention. We just want to be sure that you’re emotionally healthy enough to let us play with them! ;-)
Yeah but does not work so much for me, I have a big breast, and it falls with the age….
Do you have any advice?
Come on guys, play with them as much as you want!
Gergana Stoytcheva, desesperate…