Having A Sexy, Single Christmas
I’ve been kind of depressed about being by myself this Christmas. Being with my family last weekend was nice but remembering fun Christmases past got me lonely. That is, I was feeling sorry for myself until I read Steff’s good advice:
Being single’s hard, and I’m as human as you are, and sometimes I wish I weren’t a party of one. But the days when I roll out the red carpet and treat myself like the royalty I deserve to be, well, being single’s feeling pretty fucking fab those days.
So why not Christmas, too? I’ll have eggnog, great food, do something special for myself. GayBoy will probably come by and misbehave a little in the late, late hours, and that’s just fine, too.
Point is, Christmas looms. Are you alone and hating it? Fucking do something for yourself. Do something you love. Plan it out. Put the plan in action. Anticipate it.
I’m not gonna find a sexy Santa like this guy under my tree this year…..well, because I don’t have a tree.

But I’m going to get one, and I’m going to get some eggnog and rum. On Christmas day, I’m going to light a fire in my fireplace, get all cozy in front of it with some spiked eggnog, and read stories at Sssh.com until I’m so hot I can’t take any more. Whatever happens after that will be fun, guaranteed. Merry Christmas everybody!
And here’s a special present for the PhotoShop spotters that drop by – a whole page full of holiday-modded art. Most are nice, but some are naughty!
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=1832
I’m with you–I’m always away from home and family for Christmas (providing joy for others by working on Nutcracker or Christmas Carol or some other show), and some of my best holidays have been spent alone.
I gear up with some spiked coffee, bake/eat all the cookies I want, sit in front of my little tree and listen to carols. I call my family and friends, take a long decadent soak in the tub, and usually have some fantastic Chinese takeout. No worries about entertaining anyone or family squabbles, and I spend all of my Christmas budget that I used to spend on gifts on charitable donations, so no worries about whether my gifts are appreciated or not.
And I’m sure there’s some salacious content on the web that I haven’t seen yet to keep me busy as well…