April 21st, 2008 -- by Bacchus
Vintage Masturbating Woman
What, has it really been three whole weeks since I posted something from my Usenet files? Why, I believe it has:
For the curious, here’s what the image looked like when I found it:
More artifact than image, really, in its found-in-the-wild form.
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*sigh* …reminds me of furtive hours spent in my bedroom with a tissue box in my early teens. Explicit images like this were hard to come by in those days, especially for a young suburban teenager… And the it took me YEARS to come across something of a quality that I could actually identify the details of a woman’s sex organ. Most photos were taken from too far away (like this one) to really form a plan of how to manipulate it properly to give a woman pleasure. But then in those days, it was common to find it written in “sex manuals” that women only needed to “cuddle” after the act of sex in order to be satisfied, and found their pleasure mainly in knowing that they’d given a man an orgasm…
That image took me back to sex ed class. I recall the images of genetalia were soooo hairy.
I also always find it hard to “believe” that that body hair was the norm. This was the days before body sugaring/waxing.
Again, I notice the shoes. Much like the woman on the coffee table some time ago, this looks impromptu to some degree.
Yup! That bushy hair was indeed another problem. Unless you had one fully available to you, compliments of an uninhibited girlfriend, you really couldn’t quite imagine just what a pussy looked like under those dang-nab thatches, even when you came across the extremely rare open-kneed close-up shot.
I must have seen THOUSANDS of photos of naked women before I even saw my first clitoris pic.
I can’t help but believe that explicit Internet porn has led to more men understanding just how to give their women an orgasm.
We, my boyhood pals and I, masturbated to pictures of cleavage, and the mental images we had of sexy girls in school. We talked while we jerked off but real photos of a vagina were rare. Yes, I did learn, albeit too late, to be a better lover because of porn. Other experiences by people in their 60s and 70s interest me. How did you cope with it!! And are you still horny after all these years? What can we do about it now (no one seems to want 70 year men, even if we are trim & get erect with no difficulty).