Loving Kink.com
I’ve long maintained that a responsible porn consumer should pay attention — when possible — to the business and employment practices of the people who make the porn. Not all pornographers are created equal. And who has a better view than their models?
Thus it is that I enjoy hearing from models at Kink.com (a long-time ErosBlog favorite), especially when they confirm my own prejudices. (Can there be any human pleasure more sweet than having cherished notions confirmed?)
You can imagine, therefore, the twin delights I experienced when I stumbled over the excellent blog by Miss Maggie Mayhem (how have I missed it?) and found the following paragraph under the heading Things I loved: 2009:
Kink.Com has been one place that feels more and more like home for me every time I visit. Working for their sites means being well cared for by intelligent people who are all passionate about sexuality. Not once did my request for a condom get snubbed or looked down upon, not once did my need for a break result in a sneer, and there was always a friendly production assistant ready with a fuzzy robe and a hug. When you get your porn from Kink.Com you’re getting it from good people who treat their models with respect. I was very happy to work with them throughout 2009 and I look forward to many more years and shoots there.
Image credit: The Training of O.
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It’s really amazing that kink.com, which focuses on BDSM (e.g., the consensual degradation, objectification, and torment of women) always comes across as more respectful of women than almost any of the mainstream porn sites (e.g., the ones advertising “hot bi bitches” and “slutty cum-guzzling whores”).
I’ve enjoyed your blog and I’m thrilled you stumbled upon mine. It’s funny that BDSM porn is the “bad boy” of the porn world.From my experience, SM sites are way more respectful of boundaries and limits whether they are vocalized or not than much of the vanilla porn world. I also think it looks so much better when the people really enjoy what they’re doing even when it hurts. :0)
Yeah it’s funny. Every now and then you come across a lame BDSM porn site clearly done by an old-school LA pornographer, all full of big fingernails and cheap latex harnesses and misogynistic porn-speak. But for the most part, the BDSM people seem to be mean *politely*, while mainstream porn couldn’t respect a model if life depended on it.
(Broad generalizations, many exceptions, and so forth.)