June 5th, 2015 -- by Bacchus
And Then The Gay Orgy Broke Out
Vinnie Tesla asks:
Does anyone else look at this and immediately think “Tom of Finland?”
Yes, Vinnie. The answer is yes. You are not alone. “Hey sailor, is that a nightstick on your belt, or are you just happy to see us?”
As a hedge against the not-sure-how-likely eventual day when this post might still be here but an old Twitter link might be broken, the artwork is by Frank Godwin and Vinnie found it here.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=14192
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=14192
I wondered why General MacArthur was propositioning that sailor, and whether he’s about to be arrested by that shore patrolman behind him.
The history they don’t teach you in high school…
You know what this is an illustration for? An ad for a cork company!
And where will they place the cork, hmmm?
Heh! Just found this.