For almost as long as there has been an world wide web, there have been porn link lists. The best of these are designed to serve as the perennial start page for the horny surfer, presenting lists of high-quality porn links with useful categorization that makes it easy to drill right into whatever area of web porn you are looking for.

One such popular porn linklist is


The Porngatherer list strikes me as particularly strong in its Female Friendly and Hentai porn categories. With lists like these, it’s not the number of links that counts most, but rather some notion of quality. A good list is at once comprehensive (leaving out none of the best sites that you’d want to know about and visit) and brief (so you don’t have to wade through endless links of dubious quality or relevance). It’s an editorial balance that requires considerable curatorial skill to get right, and I’m happy to report that Porngatherer does a good job in many of its link categories.

However, the reason for this post is to draw your attention to the Porngather list of The Best Porn Sites In 2015:

best porn links 2015

To compile the 2015 list, the Porngatherer people relied heavily on various types of visitor feedback. Thousands of thumbs-up and thumbs-down review votes of site users were compiled together with click-through data and some additional popularity data from an internal ranking algorithm.

I’m not going to spoil the 2015 list for you by disclosing its contents here, but I will say that I found it to feature an interesting combination of “old familiar” sites whose enduring popularity makes their appearance on the list no surprise, right along with newer “instant classic” sites that I’m seeing for the first time while wondering how I did not already know about them. Enjoy!
