On The Sexual Underestimation Of Eunuchs
There is a frequent tendency in both history and erotic literature to underestimate the erotic capacity of eunuchs.
Whether this tendency is merely a useful dramatic device, or whether it reflects a more-resilient human sexuality than the one imagined by whomever was doing all the castrating, I could not pretend to know. So far as I can remember, the Game of Thrones scriptwriters have not yet explored any sexual capacity Varys the eunuch may retain. No such self-restraint is on display in the Hustler production This Ain’t Game Of Thrones XXX, a Hustler parody film available here and here. Indeed the parodic Varys appears to retain all of his parts in firm working order, a surprise for parody-Cersei that she is determined to enjoy:
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Some castrati had active sex lives, occasionally more active than their intact peers, owing to no danger of pregnancy. Alessandro Moreschi, one of the last castrati employed by the Vatican was apparently very popular with the ladies.