Fine Steel Dicks
Someone on Tumblr has a friend who has a friend who scored some excellent steel dicks:
Friend of a friend on facebook posted a picture with a caption “Someone in my smithing group got a free crate of high quality steel today in the form of “used casting molds”… I am at a loss for words.”
It’s dicks. A big box of metal dicks. Dildo molds. Just, hundreds of them.
And I can’t share it because I have family on facebook. And I’m not sure if I should repost it here because … they’re not my metal dicks.
But you should all know that there exists a big box of metal dicks that are probably going to be melted down into, I would hope, one giant metal dick.
(No, probably not. But I can dream, can’t I?)
Via Molly Ren, at which link you can also see one hilarious comment on the photo: “Fine dwarven crafts, direct from Orzimmar!”
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oh my, the bespoke dick-smithing dwarves of Oglaf are real?
They were steel back in the day?
What’s unfortunate about this is the metal molds would probably have sold for more than whatever they made out of them after smelting. I would have bought one for my erotic art collection. I imagine others would have bought them as gag gifts.