Bunny Girls Of 1926
Honestly I would have gone with “catgirl” given the shape of their ears, but the photo collection in the Netherlands where this picture comes from has a very-specific caption:
Toneelspelers. Achter de schermen in de kleedkamer zitten drie meisjes in Bunny-achtige outfit in spiegels te kijken. 1926. Plaats onbekend. Serie van 4 foto’s.
The captioner went with “Bunny” in the original, which removes most capacity for ambiguity from the machine translation:
Actors. Behind the scenes in the locker room are watching three girls Bunny-style outfit in mirrors. 1926. Location unknown. Series of four photos.
It does not appear that the “series of four photos” are all four of them online in this collection, but if I’m wrong about that, I rely upon one of you alert readers with better language skills to winkle out and point us all at the other three!
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Surely not much knowledge of Dutch required to know you want to peek at girls in the kleedkamer? I would advise you to look at all 238 of those, some nice stuff.
The three others of the series are, I think:
And a bonus Josephine Baker (78 more in the collection), no reason needed:
Well, sure, looking at the whole cabinet is easy, but I didn’t see anything identifying those four pics as part of the referenced set, and since it’s different actresses and locations, I wasn’t sure it was the set in question. Obviously I was hoping for more bunny costumes. Appreciate the help!
In most European countries “Bunny” has no association with bunny-rabbits, but with young women in animal costumes of any kind.
To get those I just used the year and Toneelspelers for 15 results. The 238 dressingroom ones are far more fun.
Wee Jim, I did not know that!
I’d love to see an example of this claim, Wee Jim. It’s news to me, having lived in a few European countries.
Bacchus, I think the “location unknown” part of the citation is evidence that the source’s evidence is as good as yours: an educated guess, based on what you see. I love the picture!
I’m Dutch and I’m not familiar with the use of the term bunny to describe various animal costumes. At least not in the Netherlands. The caption to me seems to liken the costumes to those of Playboy bunnies. The caption is most likely from a more recent data, probably from when the archive was digitized.