Awash In Fine Artful Porn
There’s apparently been a silly debate going on somewhere just beyond the periphery of my Twitter feed; from what I can gather, some of the usual marching morons attempted to assert that porn is not art, or cannot be art, or some such blathering nuttery of that long-discredited ilk. All I really know or care to know comes via having noted Conner Habib stalwartly engaged in refutations; some stupidities are too wearying, honestly, to even be worth rubber-necking at. Drive on.
I am so utterly convinced that the veil between art and pornography is, if it exists at all, a flimsy thing that’s penetrated more often than the most industrious sex worker in a busy port during Fleet Week, that I can never resist posting so-called “fine art” that checks every box you might care to design on any notional mythical “Porn Identification Checklist”. How about, for example, Paul Gustave Fischer’s Morgentoilette?
No? Still not convinced? Back up, close the door, bend down, and look again, this time through the key hole:
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The other danger with arguing with idiots on Twitter is that sometimes they are bots or paid shills or just trying to get followers before they announce something which will make money. So I try to focus my own internet activities on beautiful things and intelligent conversations, not fake arguments!
Yes, but beyond that, some of these arguments go around in cycles, and every time the wheel turns, more idiots get on. Eventually, one gets tired. Twitter can be fun because it promises a low effort way to get back on the wheel … just a few sentences! But it rarely works out that way.
That is another point! Sometimes people can be on the point of making up, and then someone piles on the thread with the outraged discovery that SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET HAS DIFFERENT OPINIONS and then things start up again.
I think that more people designing these systems need to read Marc MacYoung’s work on the conflict cycle, and what turns trivial disagreements into feuds where people’s grandchildren are stabbing each other. Although as someone said, they lived in San Francisco for decades without discovering that gender is complicated and privacy is more important or some people than others …