Why Straight Men Hate Astrology: ErosBlog Edition
ViceUK has an article currently bringing in the hate-clicks under the title Why Straight Men Hate Astrology So Much. No link for them! Do they conclude that it’s because astrology is total bollocks, like homeopathy and Gwyneth Paltrow’s jade pussy eggs? Nope nope nope! Instead they claim that astrology has become a gendered belief structure, important disproportionately to women and gay people, so (they argue) straight men belittle it for reasons of masculinity. Nothing to do with astrology being empty nonsense!
A problem with this theory: the evidence they cite for the existence of a gendered disparity in the popularity of astrology suggests that the numbers only began to diverge along gender lines a few years ago. Whereas the people in the reality-based community that I know have disparaged astrology as being dumber than flat-Eartherism for much much longer than that.
Here, let me show you the only solid astrological chart and horoscope you are ever going to see:
The chart is not mine, but it’s been floating around the internet since forever and I don’t have an attribution for it.
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Perhaps that needs updating, the planets do affect our lives now.
Pluto will be stimulating your intellect this month as a new documentary is released about the results of the New Horizons observations.
Jupiter will dominate your artistic nature on Wednesday as you scroll through hundreds of new images of spectacular cloud formations.
The Moon brings financial difficulty lasting all year as you realise that you should not have bought that ticket from Virgin Galactic when you were drunk on Saturday night.
Mars brings disappointment this week when you are told that spectrographic analyses show that it is the Terracotta Planet and not the Red Planet.
A conjunction of Venus and a jet plane brings trouble to your love life this week when you point out a light in the sky as Venus and your date then uses her smartphone to tell you the make, flight number and destination of “Venus”.