Pussy Patriotism: USA Flag Tattoo
There’s a certain “type” of middle-aged hatchet-faced blonde conservative women. A couple of prominent names will have likely just sprung into your mind — high profile just now in the Cruelty Party and often seen on television as spokespeople and frequent guests. Several more have shows and regular commentator gigs on various television networks — the captive Cruelty Party cable network and others.
I imagine some of them have rebellious daughters who get tattoos. But “rebellion” in that crowd only goes so far. Roger Stone got Nixon tattooed on his back. What kind of tattoos do young rebellious (but not too rebellious) daughters from conservative families get? You’ll never believe the video feed we got from one tattoo parlor, already under NSA surveillance for being a hotbed of #resistance organizing:
Via Bawdy Blog.
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