They Were Having A Lemon Party
So these perfectly nice Canadians were having a no-shit lemon party — with actual lemons, natch! — and posting pictures of it on Twitter.
And even though they never did anything to me, I turned it into a small social media nostalgia art piece / rant in the medium of Twitter and lemon party memes.
It’s been what, 16? 17? years and I’m still fucking pissed off that the whole internet treated those three fat old gay men having a friendly fuck as if they were a cupful of battery acid dashed straight to the eyes. I’ve seen worse, children. Far, far, worse. Google “shitting dick-nipple” sometime if you doubt me. Better? Don’t. (You would need to Bing it anyway, actually; “Google it” doesn’t work any more very well for seamy-underbelly web searches. I guess that’s just another old person’s linguistic habit I’m going to have to try to unlearn. If you want to complain, you could send me a fax; the number for my fax machine is in the yellow pages.)
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