November 8th, 2021 -- by Bacchus
“Naked Beauty Contest — Free Champagne!”
You’ve got to imagine this happened at one of those sleazy beach resorts along the Black Sea coast, or on a cheap island in the Mediterranean. Lots of young people on package tours, not much excitement, a pressing need to generate some publicity and get the party going. And so the posters went up: “Nude Beauty Pageant! Free Bottle Of Champagne For Every Contestant!”
Via Kinky Delight.
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I think we should actually carefully promote the use of these kinds of images to educate people about body variations. So often we see an incredibly homogeneous ‘ideal body’ presented in ads, etc, but we’re all incredibly different, awesome and sexy in our own way, pushing people to be some kind of unobtainable ideal wrecks their confidence, which is 100% the sexiest thing about anyone.
None of the contestants seem more than “nice, normal, generic” to me, and honestly I’m more interested by far in trying to identify the fuzzily rendered bottles of sparkling wine, because i do not recognize the black & white shield icon nor can I read the words on the bottle.
From various clues (especially a different scan that has messed up colors and still shows staple holes) I think this image was published in a magazine, most probably a porn magazine. I couldn’t ID the source but if you put a gun to my head and insisted I guess, I’d share my suspicion that it’s from one of the “PRIVATE” family of euro-porn magazines, or their many imitators, most likely dating to the 1970s or early 1980s. (Pubic hair styles are at least as useful for dating porn as pollen inspection is for dating muddy core samples.) The Private titles had a strong south-European flavor with a lot of Mediterranean outdoor settings. I’m very curious whether this photo represents an arranged porn shoot or whether, indeed, my fanciful pageant story is somewhat closer to the truth: some event featuring nudists, wild holiday-makers, topless beach enthusiasts, or some other set of typically-uncompensated naked people. Justin correctly, IMO, notes that there’s considerable variation in these beautiful bodies, more than we usually see in mainstream porn today. But that doesn’t answer the question; porn was a lot less commodified back then.
Sadly I could not find a version of the photo with enough resolution to read the bottles. I do think I can see the word “Royal” on the label but it doesn’t trigger any brand recognition for me.
After looking at several hundred sparkling wine bottles / labels under several different search patterns, I believe that the most likely answers are either that the wine was bottled under a company label like the name of some resort, or cruise line, or other company — and/or that the wine is no longer made. Of course i might just have missed something obvious, which has been known to happen. I agree that i think i see “royal” or even “roy’al” on the label, but it’s not a sure thing at all.
Love the minge