It feels like a very long time ago indeed that I wrote about discreet porn for women who have “bejazzled leatherette Hello Kitty e-reader covers”. In that same post I also wrote:

“Oh my god you filthy wonderful dirty wenches. Men, you have NO idea what is on the Kindles around you. NONE. You are clueless. That is all.”

The march of time since I wrote those words may have raised our awareness levels about smutty ebooks and the women who love them, but apparently the correlation between ebook porn and cutely-decorated Kindle covers still obtains. Mia recounts her observations while shoulder-surfing her friend’s reading material on a metropolitan subway:

The bitches with cute Kindle cases got to be the horniest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen! Oh my fucking god!

I’m sitting next to my bitch on the Metro, she’s like my fucking best friend. She’s got this cute little bunny rabbit cover, like whatever the fuck. I look down and it’s like “He fucks me raw from every angle, every hole was filled, he made a fourth hole by pressing my tits together…”

I’m like “Bro, this cannot be legal!”

No change in her facial expression…

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