Teased By Dangerous Women
I am impressed by the stoic demeanor of this handsome young man as he is teased on the street by a put-together pair of flirtatiously dominant women:
Their conversation goes something like this:
Dommy brunette: “I had a period of time, actually, where I was really into cat boys.”
Our man: “Would he meow? ”
Dommy brunette: “He would meow.”
Blonde: “Yeah. And nothing hotter than like, cat ears with like a ball gag.”
Brunette, moaning: “Oh, yeah.”
Blonde: “Whilst their hands are tied.”
Brunette, appreciatively: “Mmmmmm.”
Blonde: “And they’re like crying.”
Brunette: “Tied to the bed, you know? Spread eagled.”
Our man: …
Blonde: “Are you interested? We can make it happen.
Our man: “Do I have a choice?
Blonde: “No…”
That conversation, as they say, escalated quickly!
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