Teased By Dangerous Women
I am impressed by the stoic demeanor of this handsome young man as he is teased on the street by a put-together pair of flirtatiously dominant women:
Their conversation goes something like this:
Dommy brunette: “I had a period of time, actually, where I was really into cat boys.”
Our man: “Would he meow? ”
Brunette: “He would meow.”
Blonde: “Yeah. And nothing hotter than like, cat ears with like a ball gag.”
Brunette, moaning: “Oh, yeah.”
Dommy Blonde: “Whilst their hands are tied.”
Brunette, appreciatively: “Mmmmmm.”
Blonde: “And they’re like crying.”
Brunette: “Tied to the bed, you know? Spread eagled.”
Our man: …
Blonde: “Are you interested? We can make it happen.
Our man: “Do I have a choice?
Blonde: “No…”
That conversation, as they say, escalated quickly!
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He does sound quite interested, but even if he’s only curious, what an offer!!
Yeah, you can sort of see his gaze vanishing inward, as if picturing the scene in his mind’s eye. I don’t know if he’s interested in the particular specifics of crying gagged catboy bondage play, or if he’s just having that inevitable conversation with himself that every man has from time to time. “Do I want to say no to this woman, these women? Does it really matter what she’s asking? Why would anyone ever say anything but yes to a woman like this?” Some men have, or eventually learn, the wisdom to say “no” in judicious quantities to alluring women; but there’s always an internal dialog about it.
Note to Justin:
You ARE aware that (in the end) curiosity KILLED the CAT(boy).
What?!? Those two fine ladies would never.
They are obviously ethical queens. Catch and release only. Send him on his way in the morning with a smile on his face, a pat on his ass, and a slight limp.
Been in his place a couple times. Each time was a lifetime memorable event. Just seeing this and remembering is utter hotness.
Fuzzy, isn’t it amazing how certain fine moments burrow deep into the roots of memory? I don’t think I’ve ever told the tale of the sex worker in a Russian nightclub who tried and failed (because of my deficits of money and courage, and my surplus of misplaced faithfulness) to seduce me away from a bachelor party about a quarter of a century ago, but the sense memories of her persuasive efforts are as vivid and pleasant today as if it had all happened yesterday.