Wise men have known this for a long time, but Daniel the Scotsman lays it out succinctly: the sexually-adventurous women you are looking for aren’t out clubbing, they’re the quiet ones with fairy smut on their Kindles.

A transcript for the impatient:

Don’t know who needs to hear this, but the freaks are not in the club. They’re in the library. They look innocent, sometimes intimidating. Sometimes you might think that you don’t wanna approach them because you might be too filthy for them.

Let me tell you this, you’re not. They’re way filthier than you. They read things that you just couldn’t even imagine yourself. And they’re written by women for women. And it’s what women want.

So if you want real tips, guys, start reading fairy smut, because you might learn a thing or two.

Ladies, tell me I’m lying.

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