His Eyes Are On Her Butthole
Apparently it had never occurred to this man’s wife to wonder where his eyes were when he was fucking her from behind. Of course he’s looking at your butthole, honey:
In detail:
Her: Babe, babe, I just saw a video that literally says that guys stares at our B-hole during doggy.
Him: What did you think I stared at, the wall?
Her: Yeah!
Him: What am I, just admiring your…? Well, you do have a nice back. But that thing, it… That thing speaks to us in Morse code. Cause when you get to put it… Why are you covering your face?
Her: You should have your eyes closed!
Him: Like, that thing starts going [he makes lip puckers] it’s like… It’s like when we’re putting in work, it’s putting in work. It’s letting us know the right motion that we’re going in. And what’s even better is like, sometimes, like, when y’all forget to shave or y’all miss a few little hairs, it’s kind of like a… it’s kind of like an eye, just winking, lets us know that we’re doing it right. But how do you… it gives us something to concentrate on, so we last just a little bit longer, you know what I’m saying? When that little stink-wrinkle starts going back and forth, you know, that’s why y’all get the [sucks his thumb, gestures lewdly and low with it] “you’re next, big boy!” Oh, my god, girl, did you seriously, did you really think I was staring at a wall, or like…? Come on, now. Come on now!
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My ideal job is examining womens’ healthy anuses.
Fuzzy, I believe that’s the job for which the phrase “nice work, if you can get it” was invented!