Wash That Dirty Thing
All men, in my considered opinion, may be fairly divided into just two parts: the ones who celebrate the taste and smell of “that portion of a woman that appeals to man’s depravity” and the ones who make demeaning remarks or derogatory jokes about those tastes and smells, thus revealing that they don’t actually have much use for pussy, or for women, either one. American sexual culture is rife with such “jokes”, but I consider them the antithesis of the sex-positivity that’s at the heart of ErosBlog’s editorial standard, and I’ve done my best to keep them off the site. This video violates that standard, if it does, only because the punchline of the very short joke turns the tables on a light-hearted attempt to shame men for our sexuality:
I do apologize for spending 125 words introducing an eleven-word joke. But I am as I shall always be.
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I don’t think she was talking about her intimate parts but her backside.
That’s usually the second thing women complain about men wanting, though.