We’re Uptight, Apparently
“There’s one thing I don’t understand about straight people”, says Silicone Slinger. Her comments are technically directed at straight women, but the legendary uptightness of straight men probably isn’t completely irrelevant here:
One thing I don’t understand about straight people is when women will be really attracted to a guy’s butt and, like, want their boyfriend to have, like, a nice one, but then they’ll refuse to ever do anything to said butt.
Like, that’s like having a book just because it’s pretty and never actually wanting to look inside.
Like, you don’t wanna crack that open and see what’s in there? You don’t wanna, like, do a little exploring, get to know it a little bit? Like, you just wanna stare from the outside, maybe give it a little pat sometimes? Like, that’s just so not fun!
You really gotta dive in, and it’ll be fun for both of you. I promise!
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