Fuck When You Wanna Fuck
Here’s Dear Coquette responding to some bad and unsolicited advice about not fucking on the first date. She titles her response On Being Easy:
I fuck who I fuck when I fuck because I wanna fuck, and I don’t give a flying fuck whether the people I fuck think I’m the marrying type. That doesn’t make me easy. That makes me hard.
I am the one in command of my own sexual virtue. I am the one who defines that virtue. No one else gets a say in it – not you, not the world, and certainly not some guy I allowed the privilege of fucking me on the first date.
Everything you believe to be true about sexual virtue is a tragic lie instilled in you by a misogynistic, patriarchal culture that is fundamentally terrified of female sexuality…
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If I’m remembering this correctly, in an episode (1.19?), of the sitcom “Mad About You” Jaime turns to her husband and asks him to have a word with her “looser” sister (Lisa), about being too “easy”pleading “Will you tell her what men think when girls give it on the first date?” and he responds with a light shrug, “Yippie?”
I don’t play a dishonest “hard-to-get” game when I want sex on a first date. Why should I expect a woman to?