Here’s a dirty joke that’s very old indeed:

A gentleman in the country, who had three daughters, discoursing one evening on rural affairs, and the nature of vegetation, asked one of his daughters what plant or herb she thought grew the fastest?

The young lady replied, asparagus; then he asked the second, who answered, a gourd; and when the same question was put to the youngest she replied the pommel of a saddle; which very much surprising the old gentleman, he desired to know what she meant, and how she could make it out?

Why, said she, when I was one day riding behind our John, and the ways being so rough, that I was afraid I should fall off, he cried, “Put your hands about my waist, and lay hold of the pommel of the saddle; and I am sure, papa, when I first took hold of it, it was not much bigger than my finger; and in less than a minute, it was thicker than my wrist!

From the 1860 edition of Tom Brown’s Jester, a joke book first published in 1755.

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