Kink Or AI?
If you spend too much time on the ‘booru image boards, you’ll inevitably find yourself squinting at some sex scene with multiple people in it and asking yourself “why is he sticking his eleven-inch horse cock in her ear?” or “Is that goblin fucking her armpit?”
It used to be that the answer was always “Wow, I’m impressed by the artist’s creative perversity, I never would have imagined putting such a penis in such a place under those particular conditions.”
But nowadays? Well over half the time, the answer is “image was AI generated, model doesn’t know that dicks don’t normally go there or bend like that.” Which for me is always a disappointment. Knowing that a sexual idea was important enough to someone for them to intentionally make art about it is, for me, an important precondition for engaging my own erotic imagination. How would that be? What would that be like? Would it be fun to do, or to watch? Under what fantastic or science-fictional conditions would such at thing even be possible? I’m not going to waste any of that mental effort on AI-generated mistakes.
Yes, I do believe this is a special case of the general principle “If you couldn’t be bothered to write it, I can’t be bothered to read it.”
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