July 6th, 2011 -- by Bacchus
Guide To Getting Laid
From the PZ Myers concise guide, The Decent Human Beings’ Guide to Getting Laid at Atheist Conferences:
What about tactics? I know all the games entitled young men, in particular, play. If you are deploying wingmen, if you are approaching this as you would a gazelle hunt, where the goal is to isolate a target from the herd and make them vulnerable so they will succumb to you, where getting the target stupefyingly drunk is a desirable means to an end, then you might get laid – I don’t deny that those tactics works for unscrupulous people – but you will have forfeited the title of Decent Human Being, and we’d rather you didn’t come to our meetings.
Just so.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=7051
It all boils down to the brain being the most important sexual organ. “Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls pants… / …use it to get into their heads”
Well played Justin!
It amazes me during a night out how much money some guys will spend trying to get me drunk, not realizing that the bartender is a friend and won’t let that happen.
If only they’d realize that a little respectful conversation just might be the key to the rewards they seek.