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ErosBlog posts containing "rasputin"

January 9th, 2007 -- by Bacchus

Rasputin’s Penis, Redux

For reasons that surpass human understanding, I’ve twice now blogged photographs of what is supposed to be Rasputin’s severed penis, preserved in a jar: once, twice.

Why (oh, ye gods of Olympus, why?) am I doing it again? Because it’s a very famous (and famously active, in its day) penis. And, more simply, because it’s there. Specifically, it’s there at — scroll down at your own peril, you’ll find an absolutely huge closeup of the jar and detached (pickled) manhood, in living (dead?) color.

I’ll also link to a copy of the photo, as a hedge against future link rot. Don’t blame me if you decide to look.

It’s grisly. Seriously.

May 2nd, 2004 -- by Bacchus

Rasputin’s Penis

Since this appears to be ugly dick week here at ErosBlog, herewith a picture (courtesy of that paragon of journalism, the Moscow News) of what is alleged to be Rasputin’s penis, on display in a museum in St. Petersburg:

Rasputin's Penis

August 7th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Big Pole Vaulter

For French pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati at the Olympics a few days ago, it was both the best of times and the worst of times. The bad news is, he knocked down the crossbar and didn’t make his jump, keeping him out of the finals and away from medal opportunities. But the good news? He failed because the bulge of his enormous cock snagged the crossbar, and the video clip of his manly prowess immediately went super-viral.

For however long viral fame lasts, he’s got the most famous dick since Rasputin’s.

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June 14th, 2004 -- by Bacchus

Penis In A Jar

Despite an unwavering preference for genitalia with live warm people attached, I did previously link to the story about Rasputin’s penis. Comes now a much better Yahoo photograph, complete with pretty blonde examining the goods:

Rasputin's penis closely examined by pretty blonde

Of course, the thing itself remains pretty hideous.

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