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The Sex Blog Of Record
November 13th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Moderation Reminder

For the first time in years, I’m getting multiple substantive comments per day here on ErosBlog that aren’t making it through the first-time-commenter moderation. Of course, it’s all post-election triumphalist culture-war and political trolling. My favorite line so far: “I was told some cuck runs this retro site and thinks it is Reddit, hence anything that offends the snowflake, written in the comment section, never sees the light of day.”

The snowflake/cuck in question explained all this back in 2006, in the ErosBlog FAQ:

Question: Why did you delete/moderate my comment?

Answer: Most likely because you weren’t nice. I ask ErosBlog commenters to be civil, friendly, polite, nice. And I enforce that. We don’t welcome flaming, aggressive debating style, snark, or even strong sarcasm. Yes, I do break these rules myself, sometimes. But I live here.

I am actually quite curious which of three things is true: (a) ErosBlog got linked in some hostile space, steering the current crop of trolls to us; or (b) I have enough reach on Mastodon now that my posts there, or perhaps especially my hashtags, are falling under hostile eyes, and leading them hither; or (c) the trolls have always been ErosBlog readers, now stirred and emboldened by the recent election.

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November 12th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

The Construction Of Catgirls

There were catgirls on ErosBlog within the first year of publication, way back in 2003. But I cannot say for certain whether I had carved out a category for catgirls in my erotic imagination prior to 2009, when Dr. Faustus, then co-blogging here at ErosBlog, wrote this essay on porn as an engine of progress in which he discussed hedonism, neophorics, and catgirls.

Starting from a launchpad quote by Eliezer Yudkowsky about living in a volcanic lair with a bevy of sexy catgirls, Dr. Faustus concluded that erotic pleasure drives innovation, and optimistically suggested that “maybe someday some clever bioengineer will actually deliver up a catgirl.”

While we all waited for bioengineering to get catgirls sorted out, heroic cosplayers were working the problem. Ears got better, tails got better, people were making their own fun. Catgirls are now easy to find. I’ve enjoyed encountering them on social media for many years.

However, after getting on Mastodon a couple years ago, it began to seem like catgirls were suddenly everywhere. So many catgirls! I swam along quite happily in this newly-discovered sea of parasocial catgirls until it gradually began to dawn on me: many catgirls are transwomen. Likewise puppy girls, bunny girls, fox girls, and so forth. But especially cat girls.

Please don’t demand that I prove this assertion. Upon briefest consideration, you would realize that the evidentiary requirements would make that effort ridiculous, impossible, and rude. Nonetheless, I believe it to be so.

Once I came to that conclusion, I had to decide how I felt about it. After a bit of processing, I realized I didn’t care even a little bit. If there’s still a component of trans panic in my psychosexual makeup, it’s going to rear up in situations more closely intimate than I am ever likely to experience with catgirls on social media. I don’t need to give a fuck, so I don’t give a fuck. That’s allowed me to enjoy the “clicker trained” meme beyond all reason. It’s also why I love the endless parade of TikTok memes like this one from NekoSheryl. They all feature someone responding to an inappropriate gender query with “You want to do a questionnaire and find out? Or do you wanna kiss and then feel out how you feel afterwards?”

It’s the perfect response to a question that’s super ridiculous. There are very few contexts where such a questioner has any need to know, and in all of them, the kiss will yield a more useful answer than the questionnaire.

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November 11th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Bartering For Rent, Again

After last month’s photo essay of a landlady collecting her rent in the form of kinky sex, this cartoon of a similar mutually-enthusiastic arrangement seems apropos.

naked woman offering herself cheerfully at the front door to her landlord who came around looking for a rent payment

It comes from the 1960 Adam Annual magazine.

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November 9th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

The Man In The Moon Has A Witchy Girlfriend

Part of the sound that goes with this says “Masturbation is a form of witchcraft” and I am not dumb enough to argue with that. This fresh colorful tattoo of a bawdy witch riding the man in the moon like a broom is from tattoo artist Sarah Jane:

Nothing beats a celestial lover!

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November 7th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Stripping Herself For Chastisement

I dunno what she did or why she has a punishment coming, but her coy backward glance suggests she isn’t too worried about it:

riding crop punishment for a half-naked woman

Cartoon is from the April 1933 issue of Paris magazine.

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November 6th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Beverly And Her Little Dog

The March 1960 issue of Ace magazine introduces us to this busty model and her cute little dog:

model with big natural boobs and a small white poodle dog

Supposedly her name is Beverly Hills, which seems… too good to be true. But the caption assures us it’s the name on her birth certificate, and when has a men’s magazine been known to tell outrageous fibs about such a thing?

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November 5th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Fapping In The Trenches

There’s no way to know if this rumor is true that North Korean soldiers in Ukraine are “gorging themselves” on pornography, their Ukrainian military excursion being the first time that they’ve had unfettered internet access. But I do recall the first time adolescent me got unsupervised access to some old-school satellite TV that had all the porn channels. I literally fapped myself raw.

social media screenshot claiming that North Korean soldiers are gorging themselves on pornography

I can’t believe this is conducive to military discipline and good order in the trenches. But on the other hand, “travel to distant lands to have new sexual experiences” has always been one of the perks of joining any army.

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