Moderation Reminder
For the first time in years, I’m getting multiple substantive comments per day here on ErosBlog that aren’t making it through the first-time-commenter moderation. Of course, it’s all post-election triumphalist culture-war and political trolling. My favorite line so far: “I was told some cuck runs this retro site and thinks it is Reddit, hence anything that offends the snowflake, written in the comment section, never sees the light of day.”
The snowflake/cuck in question explained all this back in 2006, in the ErosBlog FAQ:
Question: Why did you delete/moderate my comment?
Answer: Most likely because you weren’t nice. I ask ErosBlog commenters to be civil, friendly, polite, nice. And I enforce that. We don’t welcome flaming, aggressive debating style, snark, or even strong sarcasm. Yes, I do break these rules myself, sometimes. But I live here.
I am actually quite curious which of three things is true: (a) ErosBlog got linked in some hostile space, steering the current crop of trolls to us; or (b) I have enough reach on Mastodon now that my posts there, or perhaps especially my hashtags, are falling under hostile eyes, and leading them hither; or (c) the trolls have always been ErosBlog readers, now stirred and emboldened by the recent election.
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