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The Sex Blog Of Record
October 7th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Failing To Dunk On Furries

If you are highly online, you may from time to time have seen this oft-reposted photograph from a 2018 furry convention. Internet smartguys have tried to make a bit of a homophobic and kink-shaming meme of it, the evident “idea” being that there’s something risible about providing HIV testing to convention attendees:

photo of an HIV testing sign at a furry convention

This article by Soatak has more info if you were blessedly unaware, but much more to the point, it robustly defends the notion of HIV and other STD testing at conventions in general:

If you’re organizing any type of public event–be it a gaming, anime, steampunk, cyberpunk, or comic book convention, music concert, medieval or renaissance festival, and so on–you should consider doing what Midwest FurFest does.

This is obvious to most queer people, but might be counter-intuitive at first. So let me explain.

Any large gathering of people is likely to lead to adults hooking up. This is a fact of life, especially when alcohol is involved.

Having a convenient way to know your status onsite is a great way to allow consenting adults to make informed decisions about their sexual health, especially if they’re not generally promiscuous and aren’t in the habit of getting tested regularly.

Let me emphasize: the most sexually promiscuous adults are generally already in the habit of getting regularly tested, so the onsite STI testing doesn’t actually do much for them.

This only helps people who don’t regularly visit their health department or planned parenthood to know their status.

Therefore, free onsite STI testing is a damn good idea to protect the health of your community.

Even if you hold some weird disdain for the habitually sexually promiscuous (“sluts”), this service primarily benefits everyone else, since any ethical slut already knows their goddamn status as well as the status of anyone they’re fucking that night.

Any event that can afford to offer Free STI testing and doesn’t probably doesn’t care about adults making informed decisions about their sexual health.

Furry conventions are for furries, which are overwhelmingly LGBTQIA+ compared to the rest of the population. That one of our conventions can afford to take steps to protect the sexual health of its adult attendees is a damn good idea, even if it was limited to HIV at first.

Everyone should consider stealing this idea from us.

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October 5th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Naked Trump Statue

statue of a fat and naked Donald Trump

Did you see the story last week about the giant (43 feet tall) naked statue of Donald Trump that got installed beside the highway near Las Vegas by some art activists? The artwork is titled “Naked And Obscene.” Some of the usual MAGA suspects are quoted as claiming that the artists are “demons”, that the statue “is designed to incite violence”, and that Trump, if/when reelected, “should jail” everyone involved.

tall forklift installing a giant statue of nude Donald Trump

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October 3rd, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Holiday Sex In Cyprus

You know you’re at a pleasure resort when you’re napping in your hotel with the windows open and the well-pleasured screams of an orgasmic woman come drifting in with the sea breeze. Turn your sound up for this one:

I’m no wizard of audio analysis, but I hear several screams of “I’m gonna come!” in there, plus some actual screaming, plus something that might be “Daddy, hold me!” but probably isn’t.

September 30th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

The View From Up Here Is Amazing!

September 28th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

A Scotsman On How To Treat English Girls

I laughed aloud at this cute clip of Craig Ferguson explaining to the lovely English actress Alice Eve how he likes to treat English girls. Her flirtatious titter is superb:

In the clip, Craig says: “I’ve always loved the English girls. I very much enjoy doing to them what their ancestors did to my country!”

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September 26th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

She’ll Wear You Out

She’s wearing black nitrile gloves and she brought a quart of lube. Honestly, dude, you better do whatever she tells you, because she can keep this up all night long and your dick cannot:

woman in a sports bra wearing black gloves is giving a handjob to a guy with a big dick and a cock ring

This has been circulating as an edging .gif for a few years but I don’t have a credit for it.

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September 24th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Playing Pool In A Miniskirt

There may be a lot of reasons to mourn the decline in fashionability of the miniskirt, but here’s one of them: playing pool with a pretty girl was a lot more fun when you might get a good upskirt glimpse as she bent over the table to make a tricky shot.

bro smiles as his date stretches over the pool table, showing her panties to everyone

Illustration is from the June 1968 issue of Pad magazine.

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