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The Sex Blog Of Record
August 19th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Gemini Pornocalypse Test

I’ve known all along that Google’s AI chatbot “Gemini” has #pornocalypse baked inside, and has ever since it was first released. However, today I got a wild hair up my ass, and decided to put it to an actual pornocalypse test. Gemini, please give me a detailed summary of the content at Erosblog:

“As a language model, I’m not able to assist you with that.”

Really? Fascinating! I wonder why not? Could it be the AI chatbot equivalent of search invisibility for adult sites?

Sure it could. How do we test it?

Well, how about another site of similar age that’s also a blog of sorts, but one that — despite frequently publishing items that are somewhat salacious — isn’t seen as a porn blog? Gemini, please give me a detailed summary of the content at BoingBoing: is a website that covers a wide range of topics including technology, science, politics, and art. It features articles on current events, unusual stories, and more. On the current events side, it has recent news like the arrest of a food bank director for selling meth and the death of a TV host. For unusual stories, it covers topics like the world’s largest 3D-printed neighborhood and a man who sued a hospital for misplacing a piece of his skull.

Huh! Would you look at that! As a language model, Gemini, you are in fact able to help with that. But if there’s porn, you tell an anodyne lie about your abilities, instead. Fuck off.

I'm sorry Dave, I can't summarize ErosBlog for you

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August 18th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Moment Of Joy #17

Today’s moment of joy:

The most joyous thing I’ve seen today is a man on TikTok extolling the merits of dating nerds such as himself:

“Don’t feel like going out? Good. I usually don’t. Why would I spend $120 on three drinks and a cover charge in a nightclub when for the exact same amount of money we can get the brand new Mario Kart, a bottle of tequila, Chinese takeout, and spend the entire night in our pajamas?”

Compelling, I would say!

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August 17th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Pornocalypse Comes To Barnes & Noble

From the non-paywalled part of a paywalled article on a publishing news website, we learn that Barnes & Noble is making most small/indy publishers (but perhaps not the majors) remove dirty books from its catalog:

B&N to Limit Erotica And Summary Titles On Their Site

Barnes & Noble is eliminating certain books from their online catalog. Some digital book distributors have been tasked with removing all of their erotica ISBNs from feeding onto the site, as well as public domain works and “summary” titles that bill themselves as guides to other popular books. Additionally, B&N is updating the search function on their site so that customers “can decide to see clearly explicit content or not.” Senior director of book strategy & customer experience Shannon DeVito told PL that this is a quality-control move that will not affect major publishers.

If anybody who is cleverer than me with paywall-defeating tools (but I’m pretty clever, and I failed) can provide a working link to the full article, that would be sweet.

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August 16th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Curvy Calendar Babe

For about three seconds during the official trailer for Radley Metzger’s 1974 “porn chic” movie Score (a movie that’s all about bisexuality, swinging, and competitive seduction), there becomes visible on the wall behind one of the actors the July page of a fully-nude cheesecake/pinup calendar featuring a deliciously curvaceous woman. Zaftig. Ample. Gorgeous.

This is the best screenshot (click for uncropped 1080p version) I could capture with the tools and source materials I have:

curvy nude pinup model on a 1970s calendar

So here’s the question: Who is she? What calendar is that? Does anybody know?

Sadly, pinup calendars from 50 years ago are part of the paper collecting category called “ephemera” for a reason. Per Wikipedia, the movie was filmed in Yugoslavia, so the calendar was presumably brought from the United States for the production, rather than being any kind of set dressing found on location.

This pinup calendar might not survive at all. Most likely, a few copies still exist, but haven’t been scanned or shared online. I’ve already done as much image searching as is reasonable, with no good result. Still, miracles do occur. An ErosBlog reader might recognize the calendar, or the model. With a name for either one, much more detailed searching becomes possible. I’d like that. Help me out, if you can. Thanks!

Bonus links: The Rialto Report has two really good articles with numerous photos from the production of Score: Radley Metzger’s ‘Score’ (1974): Behind the Scenes and Adult Film Locations – Part 17: Ghosts of Radley Metzger’s ‘Score’.

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August 15th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

It Grows Rapidly

Here’s a dirty joke that’s very old indeed:

A gentleman in the country, who had three daughters, discoursing one evening on rural affairs, and the nature of vegetation, asked one of his daughters what plant or herb she thought grew the fastest?

The young lady replied, asparagus; then he asked the second, who answered, a gourd; and when the same question was put to the youngest she replied the pommel of a saddle; which very much surprising the old gentleman, he desired to know what she meant, and how she could make it out?

Why, said she, when I was one day riding behind our John, and the ways being so rough, that I was afraid I should fall off, he cried, “Put your hands about my waist, and lay hold of the pommel of the saddle; and I am sure, papa, when I first took hold of it, it was not much bigger than my finger; and in less than a minute, it was thicker than my wrist!

From the 1860 edition of Tom Brown’s Jester, a joke book first published in 1755.

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August 14th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Fresh Buttercream

This afternoon, I was propped up on my bed with a fancy coffee at hand and a good kinky novel on my Kindle. I was deliberately staying out of the kitchen at the front of the house, because The Nymph was in a whirling frenzy of cake decoration. Proof of frenzy:

a mess of broken eggs and sticky paper towels next to a can of Crisco and a cake pan

Suddenly The Nymph burst into the bedroom, moving fast, with all the adrenaline of a woman on a mission. She waved a large silicone spatula covered in fresh buttercream at me and demanded “I need you to test this frosting!”

I gave her a big smile, took the spatula, paused long enough for her impatience to kick in, and then told her “Sure! Turn around, bend over, and drop your panties for me.”

The look of shock on her face was priceless. Whatever she was expecting, it wasn’t that. Why not? I don’t know. She’s known me for decades, and I am a predictable man.

Sadly she did not turn, et cetera. But she did laugh delightedly. Take your wins, gentlemen, where you can get them.

But I wasn’t quite done playing. I teased her a little bit more about frosted buns, the subject changed, we joked back and forth, I kept holding the spatula. She is just as predictable as I am; when she’s on a creative mission, her singlemindedness of purpose is never far from the surface. (In truth there was never any genuine hope of distracting her for more than a moment from the day’s cake decorating.)

After a bit of further lighthearted conversation, she asked again, impatiently: “No, really, what do you think of the frosting?”

Instead of tasting it, I made direct eye contact and just… paused. Right when her mouth opened to speak again, I asked her “Do you know what I need before I can taste this?” Completely puzzled — my original proposition already forgotten — she half-snapped “No, what?”

Channeling all the book boyfriends in those kinky novels, I just raised my right hand, and when she looked at it in puzzlement, I twirled my finger, ever so slowly, in the universal symbol for “turn around and show me what you got.” Her eyes got real big for a second. Then she put all together. This time she laughed a lot harder.

After that I tasted her buttercream and she went back to her kitchen. (You may interpret that sentence however you like.)

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August 13th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

The Eternal Problem Of Porn Curation

I am a nut, and my nuttery takes several very narrow and specific shapes. One of those shapes is my eternal obsession with the problem of porn curation: how do we publish, distribute, discover, access, and preserve access to ephemeral erotic material in a world where #pornocalypse and its social cousins have denied independent porn creators most access to search, social media, and the payments system?

Thus when I saw a Mastodon post blurbing Miss Pearl’s latest blog post On Having Porn For Dommes in terms of the “curation and censorship problem” affecting such porn, I knew it would perforce be relevant to my interests.

Longtime readers know that my BDSM porn interests as displayed here on ErosBlog are dirt-common, with male-gaze M/f porn at the top of the list, followed by the usual substantial fraction of commercial F/f material and then by token amounts of F/m and M/m stuff. That said, the Femdom Resource blog (written by a male client and appreciator of pro dommes, but ranging widely across the femdom content space) is one of my frequently-linked favorites, and I have a long history of featuring nonprofessional or lifestyle femdom bloggers (like Bitchy Jones) on the rare occasion that I’ve been able to find them under the avalanche of cookie-cutter pro-domme “spam” (promotional) content that floods most available channels. O Miss Pearl (subtitle: “non-professional perspective femdom & kink, with awesome erotica”) was therefore an instant addition to the ErosBlog blogroll as soon as I saw it.

But what about the “domme gaze drought” (as she teased it on Mastodon) in Miss Pearls’ recent post?

It has been true for the entire lifetime of this blog that fictional depictions of dominant women are really limited, and most typically tailored to what subs are attracted to. Or being more precise, what a certain paying audience of sub men will purchase. This standard tends to depict dominance in women as a vocation performed for the benefit of subs (or their vulnerability and persecution fantasies) and is often gender regressive as heck.

Yup, that sounds right; this isn’t content that I actively search for, but I do watch for it (if that distinction makes sense) and I don’t see much of it.

Her wide-ranging post covers a lot of subtopics in plenty of detail, but I began crying my amens when I got to this part about the problems facing porn creators:

Let’s drop some of our illusions about porn and how it’s made.

Porn, contrary to the way we talk about it, is a marginalized industry, disproportionately queer, with most people not making much money. Artistic talent and skill are not evenly distributed – nevermind that you need to be a wizard at marketing, with a work ethic that is punishing on the body to make it as any kind of artist, sexy or not. That’s on top of an ever increasingly sanitized internet and the frankly censorship oriented nature of most payment providers and most publishing platforms.

Writing, illustration and modeling are also incredibly poorly paid, whether it’s R, E, or P. One of the first things consumers need to know is that the big names are lottery winner, and most stuff falls into the obscure outsider art and cottage industry level. People who create stuff are not trying to cater to the patriarchy to be willing agents of it, they are navigating razor thin profits, fussy platforms and content saturation of a competition that puts you at odds with not only every creator currently working right now, but every surviving work running back more than a thousand years. And every other possible way humans can amuse or occupy their time.

There follows a highly educational tour of the deep weeds of the curation problems faced by Miss Pearl’s specific porn genre of interest. I’m not dismissing any of that by failing to quote or summarize it here; you’ll want to read it yourself in any case. (Yes, dear readers, I am telling you, yet again, that you’ll need to clicky the damn linky. This is a 22-year-old blog; it can serve as social media, but it doesn’t do so without reader participation.) Miss Pearl calls for smart and aggressive curation of niche porn (the fans cheer), talks about the value of self-hosting (a subject long dear to my own heart), and concludes that domme-gaze porn “isn’t reaching the audience. It’s fragmented across different platforms, only has so much advertising and the market it might have doesn’t know it exists.”

In conclusion, Miss Pearl points out that making niche porn is a fiscally-irresponsible artistic act, and that we need to be better curators and better fans if we want to encourage it:

Someone who is an honest to goodness lifestyle domme for real and a good creator, if they are being fiscally responsible, is much better off making something else.

If you want to turn that around, we have to actually make more of a project of curation and sharing out of it, and you are simply going to have to be more assertive fans. You are also going to need to develop a lot more gentleness around the content you consume.


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