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The Sex Blog Of Record
August 11th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Gloryhole Deep Throat

There’s an anonymous cum-thirsty brown-complected cutie working the glory hole booths at Gloryhole Swallow tonight:

Click on the stills below to enlarge the triptych for a lot more glory hole deep throat details.

three views of a gloryhole sex worker gobbling an anonymous cock

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August 9th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Enticing Graffiti

“What if we kissed in the murder tunnel?” It’s a once-in-a-lifetime offer!

graffiti outside a dark culvert

On the one hand, everybody says you’re supposed to match energies with your lover. On the other hand, what if they are of the fey, and they secretly need to steal your bones but aren’t allowed to lie to you?

You were raised to be a sensible young thing who stays out of the murder tunnel. But — wouldn’t it be exciting?

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August 7th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Big Pole Vaulter

For French pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati at the Olympics a few days ago, it was both the best of times and the worst of times. The bad news is, he knocked down the crossbar and didn’t make his jump, keeping him out of the finals and away from medal opportunities. But the good news? He failed because the bulge of his enormous cock snagged the crossbar, and the video clip of his manly prowess immediately went super-viral.

For however long viral fame lasts, he’s got the most famous dick since Rasputin’s.

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August 6th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

No More Bear Meat In Glory Hole

Over the weekend, bears briefly became a part of the national conversation due to fringe presidential candidate RFK Jr. admitting he once left a dead bear in Central Park as a practical joke. (Yeah, that sentence is a lot. Take a second. Let it wash over you. Breathe in. Breathe out. OK, now we continue.)

The news was received on social media with the amount of levity you would expect. Which prompted someone to reminisce about a long-ago news story from the Associated Press with the headline “No More Bear Meat In Glory Hole”. A friend of mine spotted the reminiscence and knew I was the person to ask: was there ever really such a headline?

There was, my friends. There was:

news story about bear meat at the glory hole soup kitchen in Juneau Alaska

As disappointing as this headline must have been for the horny young twinks who hang around in that one special restroom stall at the municipal fairgrounds, long-time readers of this blog will see the “Juneau, Alaska” dateline on the AP store and realize we’ve already discussed the glory holes of Juneau at length. The bear meat headline that looked so funny was in fact a blow to local charitable efforts; the Glory Hole mentioned in the article is a soup kitchen and the bear meat formerly went into the soup.

Why is there a small-town soup kitchen called “The Glory Hole”? That’s literally a long story. Short version: “Glory hole” was a mining term for a certain kind of big hole in the ground long before it was a gay cruising thing, and drunken down-on-their-luck laborers in an isolated (no roads to Juneau) mining town were thus said to be “down the glory hole”. And so it was, in a nod to that tradition, that the Juneau Cooperative Christian Ministry opened a soup kitchen in 1981 and named it The Glory Hole. As I wrote before:

Did they know about gay sexual slang, these charitable Christian people, back in 1981, in that little town with no roads going in or out, before the internet, before the cruise ships started bringing five million visitors a year? Was it naïve to name a soup kitchen by local tradition in a town of less than 20,000 residents that was 1500 miles from San Francisco? Would they have cared if indeed they did know about the gay slang? Or would they have laughed it off as an irrelevant oddity of far-distant urbanites?

A lot of people have gotten a lot of laughs about that long-ago naming choice, sure. But a lot of hot meals got served at The Glory Hole, too.

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August 5th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Monster Fucker Monday #12

He’s big. He’s blue. He’s got horns. And wings. And a fat cock with nubbins for her pleasure. Is she an adventurous elf princess with an elastic anus? Yes she is!

adventurous elf woman takes on a gargoyle demon, anally

This is from the XES Fantasia doujinshi manga comic, via Kinky Delight.

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August 4th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Those Panties Are Coming Down

Did you hear the one about the determined husband? It seems his wife was examining herself in the bedroom mirror one night as she tried on some new lingerie. “Does it look all right?” she asked her husband. “It looks fine, but your panties are coming down.” She looked again at the mirror. “You’re crazy,” she said, “No, they’re not.”

“Oh, yes they are!” he insisted. “I’ve made up my mind!”

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August 3rd, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Rae Bourbon: Let Me Tell You About My Operation

This album is not at all the sort of thing we expect to encounter with a 1956 date on it: a comedy/music/spoken-word record called “Let Me Tell You About My Operation” on the first track of which Rae Bourbon talks, sings, and jokes about her transition from “Ray” to “Rae”. “There’s been a change in gender” is part of the lyrics; this album is neither coy nor cryptic.

Everyone asks me “how does it feel?” Well it feels just fine to me —
I can be the woman I’ve always wanted to be!

For the change I went south of the border; it took me just days to pack.
I arrived there with excess baggage, but I had a lot less coming back.

There’s been a change in the gender, a big change in me…
From R-A-Y changed to R-A-E.

So if anyone should ask you just feel free to say
there’s been a change in Ray. Oy, vey!
There’s been a change in Ray.

let me tell you about my operation album cover

There’s a relevant Wikipedia article, but be warned: it’s a mess of conflicting pronouns and gender essentialism, and treats the transition as “no more than a publicity stunt” even while acknowledging that Rae always insisted thereafter in being billed as Rae rather than Ray.

Update: I got curious about liner notes and related album information so I went looking for better album scans than the Internet Archive has. It turns out the catalog entry and archive description for this item at the JD Doyle Digital Transgender Archive includes a scan in PDF format of the front and back covers of the album, which I have converted to a large image file at pretty good readable resolution.

front and back album cover span of Rae Bourbon's Let Me Tell You About My Operation

Two contemporary newspaper accounts of Rae Bourbon’s transition, from Variety and from The New York Journal-American, are reprinted on the album’s back cover. Detail:

part of a Variety news report about Rae Bourbon's sex change operation in 1956, as reprinted on the back of the album cover

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