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The Sex Blog Of Record
February 24th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Sucking The King’s Toes

According to this post on

This morning at Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HQ in DC, as mandatory return to office began, this video played on loop for ~5 mins on screens throughout the building, per agency source.

Building staff couldn’t figure out how to turn it off so sent people to every floor to unplug TVs.

The video, in context:

Yes, that’s a (presumably AI-generated) video of Donald Trump sucking Elon Musk’s toes playing underneath a text legend that says “Long live the real king.” Do we stan toe-sucking oligarchs? Well, I don’t, but I would never want to yuck your yum.

The clean .gif of just the toe sucking makes it more obvious that this particular King Elon has two left feet, which is normal life for an AI-generated monster.

Update: Sometimes my pornocalypse-sensitized curatorial instincts are super-solid. BlueSky deleted the post about this already, per an article at 404 Media. Supposedly the lame AI toe-sucking violates BlueSky’s policy on “non-consensual explicit material”. We might fairly wonder if there’s an unstated reason more compelling than that one.

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February 22nd, 2025 -- by Bacchus

More Hedy Lamarr Nudes

In the past I have twice blogged photos from Hedy Lamarr’s famous (or infamous) nude scenes in the 1933 movie Ecstasy. An article titled The True Story of Hedy Lamarr in the the June 1967 issue of Modern Man magazine included these two grainy (but different) additional views of the lovely actress in all her uncovered lacustrine and sylvan glories:

hedy lamarr swimming naked on her back in a forest pond

hedy lamarr nude in the forest with one hand hiding her pussy

Magazine caption reads:

Starring in one of world’s pioneer art movies during early Thirties, Hedy is cast as innocent nymphet whose cavorting au naturel in Austrian pond and woods merely served as prelude to seduction sequences which made Ecstasy a motion picture which still stirs frequent controversy.

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February 20th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Teased By Dangerous Women

I am impressed by the stoic demeanor of this handsome young man as he is teased on the street by a put-together pair of flirtatiously dominant women:

Their conversation goes something like this:

Dommy brunette: “I had a period of time, actually, where I was really into cat boys.”

Our man: “Would he meow? ”

Dommy brunette: “He would meow.”

Blonde: “Yeah. And nothing hotter than like, cat ears with like a ball gag.”

Brunette, moaning: “Oh, yeah.”

Blonde: “Whilst their hands are tied.”

Brunette, appreciatively: “Mmmmmm.”

Blonde: “And they’re like crying.”

Brunette: “Tied to the bed, you know? Spread eagled.”

Our man: …

Blonde: “Are you interested? We can make it happen.

Our man: “Do I have a choice?

Blonde: “No…”

That conversation, as they say, escalated quickly!

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February 18th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Her Breathless Hunger For Cock

Her need for his cock is every bit as strong as her need for food and air, and there’s nothing she enjoys more than proving it to him:

woman deep throating a fat cock with a leather belt wrapped around her neck

Photo, via Bondage Blog, is from a 2012 shoot.

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February 16th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Don’t Challenge This Man

February 14th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Your Valentines Day Treat

Some people get a card on St. Valentine’s Day. You lucky dog, you get a chocolate heart with a lickable creamy center:

rear view of a brown-skinned woman's heart-shaped ass and cunt spread wide open with just a hint of white jizz around and leaking out of her pussy

Photo circulated without attribution on porn Tumblr during its heyday. The candy-heart pose is probably deliberate, given the chocolate cupcake tattoos on her thighs in the uncropped photo. She knows she’s a sweet dessert treat!

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February 12th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Your Step-Momma’s Master

Look, honey. You’re a twenty-two year old orphan who landed in chocolate and clover. You spend half your life in the clubs, and you’re going to school and living rent-free in a luxury six-bedroom apartment in the kinkiest city on the west coast after your widowed step-momma married a rich and dreamy tech finance guy. She spends half her time wincing when she sits down and then vanishing into her own head with a mysterious smile on her face, and you can’t remember when she was this happy. You’ve got no business at all lurking and peeping outside her bedroom doorway:

spying on a blond MILF giving a submissive blowjob

What’s more, this man who makes her so happy? He’s no one to trifle with. He’s been the picture of propriety with you, his new double step-daughter. But you can tell he sees every part of you. He won’t cross any lines that you don’t cross first, but if you were foolish enough to cross them yourself?

getting caught spying on your MILF mom giving her new husband a bj

Oh, honey, did he see you watching? You better run! Or… oh, no, too late! Silly goose, you never planned to run, did you?

young blonde woman makes eye contact with her new master as he puts heavy shackles on her wrists

Photos are from My Step-Mother Is A Sex Slave at

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