
The Sex Blog Of Record

ErosBlog posts containing ""femdom-resource""

December 29th, 2018 -- by Bacchus

Share Our Shit Saturday 20 #SoSS

share our shit saturday soss

So what kind of good shit have my fellow bloggers been publishing since the last time I did a Share Our Shit Saturdays post? It’s my last chance in 2018 to round it all up:

  1. My good friend Dr. Faustus has been busy with his publishing empire. Since my last #SoSS post, he’s wrapped up all six chapters of The Adventures of Ashley Madder (part of the Tales of Gnosis College) and posted them to the Internet Archive. The Tales of Gnosis College are now moving on into Volume 13, Fruiting Bodies as written by Vinnie Tesla. There’s a new “sort-of sequel” to Bubbles called “More Bubbles” by Rafael Suzarte, in English or Portugese. Then there’s “Wheel of Misfortune” by Dark Vanessa, in English and Spanish. Faustus’s comic “Bait” has been reissued in various formats; there are the original long/HTML pages, a slider/carousel view, and zips at the Internet Archive. Moreover, “Bait” has now been translated into French (“Appât” — HTML / slider / Archive) and Spanish (“Carnada” — HTML / slider / Archive) and Italian (“Esca” — HTML / slider / Archive) and Portuguese (“A Isca” — HTML / slider / Archive. Future versions are projected for German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (simplified), Korean, and Hindi, with hopes for Bahasa Indonesian and maybe even Esperanto. When Dr. Faustus gets rolling, he doesn’t stop! And just to round out the fun, four pieces of bespoke artwork, by artists Rafael Suzerte, Lucy Fidelis, Dark Vanessa, and Aleksandra Marchocka. Phew, that’s a lot, Brother Faustus!
  2. The Rialto Report has issued another set of otherwise inaccessible porn-history magazine scans. This batch is all the issues from 1980 and 1981 of the magazine called… well, it’s complicated: “The east-coast magazine Porn Stars first appeared in mid 1980. It only lasted for four issues before undergoing a name change and becoming Skin Flicks. Skin Flicks was even more short-lived and lasted only two months before it was renamed Starlet. Starlet lasted for four issues, before reverting to the magazine’s original name, Porn Stars, once again.” They sort this sort of curatorial mess out, once, so that nobody like me ever has to worry or wonder about it ever again!
  3. Paltego at Femdom Resource was “flipping rapidly through his Twitter” the other day when he “noticed a domme pitching her ‘selectively crafted artisinal pee'”. It seems he was prepared to mock this as a marketing overreach — and well he might! — but discovered it was a false alarm caused by reading too fast. As you were, torches down people.
  4. Susie Bright’s blog sadly sees little activity these days but she has a gig producing audiobooks for Audible as their Editor at Large. I’m linking to her Top 10 Audiobooks I Produced This Year because of one title described thereon: A Day In The Life Of Marlon Bundo, featuring Vice President Pence’s gay pet bunny. Royalties go to good causes that will piss off annoying people.
  5. STD testing is one of those sensible and virtuous best-practices that everyone always advises without pausing to consider the practicalities. It’s easy to breeze “Get tested, be safe!” but for a lot of people there are barriers. Money is an obvious one for which there aren’t easy answers, but even if you have money or insurance that will cover, there are often surprising obstacles, like doctors who will argue with you, not give you all the tests you need, or engage in sex-negative shaming and gatekeeping behavior that makes it all exquisitely humiliating if not outright impossible. In this post, Rain DeGrey positively reviews an STD testing service that sidesteps most of those problems by letting you go to a blood lab near you and then sending your test results by mail. It won’t solve everybody’s problems, but it’s an approach I hadn’t considered and it sure sounds less daunting than having “that conversation” with your regular provider when they aren’t up to speed on the necessary issues!

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April 21st, 2018 -- by Bacchus

Share Our Shit Saturday 14 #SoSS

sharing our shit on saturday

I like to Share Our Shit of a Saturday, and this is a Saturday, so:

  1. I link fairly often to Paltego at Femdom-Resource, so I was thrilled to see him mention that he’d given this detailed interview to Miss Ava Zhang. The chance to learn more about him while also linking to and providing visibility to a woman in her line of work that I otherwise would not have known about, at a her own site — which is what these #SoSS posts are all about! — that I normally would not have had an excuse to visit, is a bonus in these trying times.
  2. Since last we checked in with my good friend Dr. Faustus, he’s been busy; his empire of projects and commissions has been churning right along. Notable releases include The Sacrifice Of Gigi, which is an even-darker re-imagining by the artist Faustus Crow (no relation) of one of the scenes from Dr. Faustus’s comic In The Kitchen With Dolcetta. Dr. Faustus also completed publication of his sexy Star Trek parody The Needs Of The Many in both English and Spanish languages. I’m also pleased to announce that Faustus has got me doing image research for him again, and blogging the results at Erotic Mad Science; the first of these commissions appeared yesterday. Finally, a casual image forward on my part has become rather more; after sending him a vintage tube-girl illustration from a Japanese source, Faustus commissioned a paid translation of the accompanying text to provide context for a blog post about the image. Never let it be said that the man is not dedicated to his art!
  3. The History of BDSM blog puts out a monthly roundup of deep-dive and/or thoughtful kink and BDSM links. It’s a pretty impressive effort that’s worth some time if you’re interested in these subjects.
March 14th, 2018 -- by Bacchus

Betty’s Pet Archie

I certainly wasn’t planning to do two “Fetish Archie” posts in a row, but after posting yesterday’s femdom giantess post, I noticed that Paltego at Femdom Resource had found an absolutely precious panel of Betty walking Archie like a dog:

betty walking archie on a leash like a dog

I have not been able to readily source the panel to a specific story and book, which means that the “My own pet?” dialog box could easily be a Photoshop; there are an awful lot of modified comics panels out there. If anybody can place this panel for me in the vast Archie corpus, I’d be indebted!

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February 3rd, 2018 -- by Bacchus

Share Our Shit Saturday 9 #SoSS

Hey, hey, hey, it’s Saturday! Let’s Share Our Shit!

  1. I’ll start with a special shout-out to Paltego at Femdom Resource, who rightly bemoans the accelerating trend of the disappearing blogroll: “One unfortunate trend I spotted when refreshing my blogroll was the number of sites that don’t have a blogroll at all. I’m not sure if that’s a new trend, or an ongoing thing that I’ve just not noticed before. Either way, I’m not a fan. A blogroll (or a links page) is the original version of Share Our Shit. In many ways, it’s a human version (in a very hand wavy way) of the classic Google PageRank alogrithm. If I like the writing of this blogger, there’s a good chance I’ll also like the stuff they read. Ironically, search engines themselves tend to suck at queries like “Femdom Blog”. I’d say 80% of the blogs I find come via links on other people’s blogs, with the other 20% from social media, comments or email. So if you’ve got a blog, please put up links to other blogs you like and read. It can be a traditional blogroll or a separate page or whatever. Just show a little love to your fellow bloggers and gives your readers some interesting people to explore.”
  2. Here’s the home page of Melissa Gira Grant, whose Twitter coverage about the ongoing purge of strippers from Bourbon Street in New Orleans under the guise of a fake human trafficking panic have been my only access to the story (it hasn’t appeared in any of my other regular news channels or feeds). Grant does good work.
  3. My good friend Dr. Faustus has added an index page at Erotic Mad Science for his Fabulae Atroces Fausti — the darker tales that were released recently and including the currently-being-released with daily pages tentacle-monster spectacular Bait.

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December 30th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

Share Our Shit Saturday 7 #SoSS

A day and a half short of a new year, it’s time for one last 2017 Share Our Shit Saturday:

  1. Girl On The Net nails down “ironic sexism” and why it’s not as funny as you think. Dude, that moment when you get the irresistible urge to say the exact same thing as some asshole, only because it’s you saying it and you’re not an asshole, it will totally be funny? Flash news: It won’t be funny. You’ll just sound like an asshole. As far as anybody else could tell, you’ll BE an asshole. I feel your pain; this is a daily struggle for me, and not always a winning one.
  2. Paltego at Femdom Resource has some thoughts and links about the public image of femdom professionals and the damage done to their image and profession as a class by a minority of humiliation, abuse, and findom dommes who seem confused (this is my editorializing, not Paltego’s) about the distinction between domination within a negotiated scene context and abusive online treatment of random strangers as a social media marketing strategy.
  3. Congratulations to Richard Windsor, who has been blogging vintage spanking photos for eleven years and intends to keep doing so for at least another eleven. That sort of dogged curatorial devotion should win a Drunken Bacchus award, if indeed there were any such thing.

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November 18th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

Share Our Shit Saturday 4 #SoSS

It’s Share Our Shit Saturday time again:

  1. From BJ’s Gay Porno-Crazed Ramblings, a motorcycle post that includes this surprisingly tasteful photo of a motorcycle cop with his pants down to his knees doing some, ah, community policing.
  2. Paltego at Femdom Resource has some advice for taking Pacific-Northwest bushy pubes to the dommes of Los Angeles: Don’t. “Nobody likes a 70s style bush in SoCal.”
  3. A deep dive by Pandora/Blake into the privacy and antitrust implications of the age verification requirements for British porn sites (as well as for international porn sites that prove to be subject in practice to the uncertain reach of British law) coming in 2018. It’s been evident for a long time that the age-verification requirements are ill-considered and look set to create a series of rolling disasters for the British porn industry and its customers; whether anybody in British politics will notice or care, among the greater political chaos there, is a whole ‘nother question.

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November 4th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

Share Our Shit Saturday! #SoSS

It’s Share Our Shit Saturday again!

  1. Web comics count! And although the Oglaf comic that’s up right now is awfully weird and meta, they are usually weird and sexy. Recommended.
  2. Paltego at Femdom Resource has been thinking a lot about the potential and future of VR porn.
  3. The Sensual Liberation Army — an ErosBlog ally since foreverstands foursquare with the brave bikini baristas of Everett, Washington. “Eros clearly resides in Ecotopia rising…”

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