
The Sex Blog Of Record

ErosBlog posts containing "annie sprinkle"

January 14th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Annie Sprinkle Debunks Sex Addiction

I’ve long been hostile to the idea of “sex addiction” because it strikes me as nonsense on its face. Sex is a core biological imperative, like breathing or excreting, making a “sex addiction” as nonsensical as a “crapping addiction”. Pathologizing normal behavior is something I recognize as a tool of control, a way to twist people up inside so that you can more easily guilt them into changing their behavior (joining your church, giving you money, working longer hours, whatever.) Thus, for me, concerned talk of “sex addiction” is a red-flag warning that the speaker is likely to be a sex-negative culture warrior or a woo-woo-therapy-selling charlatan.

I’m pretty good at being dismissive of nonsense, but I’m not always so good at patiently explaining why it’s nonsense. “Suffering fools gladly” equals a skill I was behind the door when they were passing them out. Fortunately, we have Annie Sprinkle to bear what I cannot, and she’s written a nice article succinctly explaining the nonsense that is sex addiction prattle. There’s lots, but this paragraph fragment is exemplary:

Sex addiction often makes a disease out of what is often quite reasonable sexual behavior. It emphasizes negative aspects of sex. It takes away some of the personal responsibility for sexual choices and blames problems on a ‘disease’. It offers simple solutions to complex problems. Marty Klein points out that, “Sex addiction legitimizes sex-negative attitudes and supports sexual guilt.” It can make people feel badly if they simply have an active and varied sex life. Sex addiction can be used as a way to put down socially disapproved of behavior.

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January 23rd, 2020 -- by Bacchus

Automatic Annie

There’s a clever visual pun in this 1980s porn magazine centerfold poster of Annie Sprinkle posing (and peeing) next to an automatic sprinkler sign. Clever, that is, by the heavy-handed comedic standards of the porn industry of that era:

annie sprinkle peeing next to an automatic sprinkler sign

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December 30th, 2018 -- by Bacchus

The Sprinkle Report

There’s a lot I don’t know about Annie Sprinkle, and you may not either. For instance, did you know that she used to publish a watersports/pissing ‘zine called The Sprinkle Report? I found this announcement for it in the August 1981 issue of Adult Cinema Review:

the sprinkle report watersports magazine by Annie Sprinkle

The rather precious blurb reads:

Urinationalists, welcome to the main stream! With the publication of Annie Sprinkle’s first Tinkle Report, your beloved hobby finally has a quality scholarly journal. Annie’s new newsletter, printed beautifully on beautiful paper, should be to the Golden Shower set what fire hydrants are to Golden Retrievers — an absolute must. Kinky pix, potty poetry, and art that’s strictly #1 make this a fund to read publication…

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April 7th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

Outrageous Annie

Ah, remember when arts funding was really controversial? This is from Annie Sprinkle’s files, from back in the day, narrated in the breathless tones of the National Enquirer:

annie sprinkle got funded article in National Enquirer about NEA funding

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September 7th, 2014 -- by Bacchus

Protesting Ms. Magazine

In the 1980s, Ms. Magazine was the publication of record for sex-hostile feminists (who were a much larger proportion of the feminist movement back then, and who claimed to be the entire movement). Here’s a photo of Annie Sprinkle, who tweets “1980’s photo of me when porn stars protested Ms. Magazine for having no porn stars @ round table discussion abt porn!”


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April 26th, 2013 -- by Bacchus

Golden Shower, 1979

Today’s moment of Annie Sprinkle nostalgia:

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August 28th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Epic Pole Dancing

One of the many many ways this blog is behind the times (as if being a “blog” weren’t bad enough in 2012) is that I post too little video. Mostly this is because I watch so little video. My attention span is too short to sit there for fifty seconds or seven minutes waiting for something to get to the point; if I can’t easily skim/skip ahead, I’m likely to say “fuckit” and move on.

All that is to explain why I almost never follow Youtube links. Most people don’t offer enough context with their links, and it takes a metric ton of promise (or reputation capital, which can substitute) before I’ll click and view. Annie Sprinkle worked both of those angles when she tweeted about this video “The most awesome, beautiful, artistic spiritual pole dancing EVER. I sure wish I could pole dance like this. Sexy too!” Indeed:

Remind me again why pole dancing isn’t an Olympic event?

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