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The Sex Blog Of Record
July 10th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Mutoscope Peepshow Nudies

Peep shows with erotic themes have been a staple of carnivals and sideshows and boardwalks since forever. Such enterprises were early adopters of each new “moving pictures” technology as soon as it was invented. But good photographs of peep shows are rare, and information about the material shown, even more rare:

four men in schoolboy short pants watching mutoscope peep shows

Closeup view of the three rotoscope films being shown at these peepshow booths

Here we see four eager scholars (judging by their schoolboy pants) who paid a penny apiece to watch such titles as Spring Chicken, Dance of Love, and Three Against One, that last title starring actor Leo Maloney, pictured here on an old postcard published by Exhibit Supply Company of Chicago. The machines that so captivated this audience are coin-operated Mutascope machines, according to Seth Grahame-Smith in his The Big Book Of Porn (Quirk Books, 2005), whence I got this image.

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July 9th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Mean Maureen O’Hara

Maureen O’Hara is having entirely too much fun ripping the adhesive tape off of actor John Payne’s super-manly rib cage in this photo:

agony for John Payne as cruel nurse Maureen O'Hara gleefully rips the bandages off his torso, along with who knows how much chest hair

It’s said to be a scene from To The Shores Of Tripoli (1942). Do you suppose it was preemptive revenge for those famous cinema spankings she’d get in the 1960s?

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July 8th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Monster Fucker Monday #11

When you’re a human woman working as a senior life support technician for the Raelian space navy (Terran engineers are highly prized and quite well paid in most Galactic military organizations) and you get sent on a long shuttle run to repair the air scrubber on a sensor platform, and your shuttle pilot is a Raelian Marine, and one thing leads to another (shuttle rides are boring!) it would probably be rude to call him a monster to his bony four-eared four-eyed face. Did you enjoy his scaley cock, though? Then you’re a confirmed monster fucker! (Someone will doubtless give you a challenge coin for that — adopted Terran military traditions are everywhere in the Raelian space navy.)

reverse cowgirl fucking a Raelian space marine lizardman on a long boring shuttle run

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July 6th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Moment Of Joy #14

Today’s moment of joy:

The most joyous thing I’ve seen today is a lustful simile: “She wants to jump him like he’s a bouncy house.”

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July 5th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Pornocalypse Comes For Etsy

The etsy logo surrounded by icons for no dildos, no sex toys, no porn, no XXX, and no doggystyle sex

I have argued that the pornocalypse began with Meg Whitman’s eBay, back in the last century:

Then Meg Whitman happened. It’s too many years ago now for me to recall how many successive waves of anti-porn activism swept the eBay auction platform, but it was many.

The adult items got their own section, it got put behind an age self-verification button, the adult items vanished from the general search, the adult section itself got removed from the category listing making it very hard to find, and then there was wave after wave of auction removals based on listing policies that were vague and erratically enforced. There were rules about how much nudity could show on magazine covers, there were wide-ranging keyword bans that meant you could not list (or show an uncensored photo of) the true titles of many porn items, there was a ton of selective enforcement, and there was an enormous chilling effect because seller accounts were often banned or limited based on first-offense violations of these deeply-murky rules.

It eventually became clear to everyone that Ebay under Meg Whitman (the former Disney exec) was now officially hostile to porn, where once it had been the leading sales platform for vintage porn especially. The market dried up, market offerings became bland and boring, and everybody who was on eBay for that reason had left. The suits, having stricken off the member that so offended them, declared victory and moved on. They broke it, but they like broken better. Broken is what they wanted, broken is what they got.

History, they say, doesn’t repeat itself, but it echoes. Last week we got the news of a pornocalyptic crackdown on Etsy, which used to be a sort of “eBay for handicrafts” but which is under enormous pressure from the suits to become a sort of anodyne reseller of cheap Chinese crap. Some of the handicrafts that latterly gave Etsy its charm were kinky or erotic, but that’s all over now. Per Anna Iovine at Mashable:

Etsy to ban sale of most sex toys, explicit content, and more; Policy changes go into effect next month.

Online retailer Etsy will prohibit sales of most sex toys, content that depicts sex acts and genitalia, and more starting July 29.

The indie seller published its Adult Nudity and Sexual Content policy yesterday, which states that sales of adult toys that are insertable, “applied to the genitalia,” or “designed for genitals to be inserted into them” will be prohibited. That pretty much runs the gamut — dildos, vibrators, rings, plugs, and the like will be banned. “Non-insertable and non-penetrable adult toys and sexual accessories,” such as BDSM wear, will be allowed as long as listings follow Etsy’s guidelines around mature content, also updated yesterday.

That’s just the beginning of the anti-adult rules in the new sexual content policy and the updated mature content guidelines. But fans of Tumblr’s infamous ban on “female-presenting nipples” will be delighted to learn that Etsy has jumped on that with both feet and is valiantly trying to claim its own share of that delicious infamy:

Etsy is also banning nudity for human models, including “gluteal clefts and female nipples/areolas.” If you’re selling a sexy item of clothing, for example, you must censor body parts, use a mannequin, or opt for just photographing the clothing.

Remember that my theory of pornocalypse focuses on financial inflection points — when a company is trying to go public or negotiate a new funding round or navigate an IPO or a merger/acquisition, that’s when we most often see formerly-welcome porn evicted from a platform.

There isn’t any news (as far as I know) of Etsy facing any major financial events, but a few quick minutes searching the financial press reveals many stories of Etsy having a bad first quarter in 2024 and facing a lot of investor pressure to improve profits. If they do have a massive financial event in 2024, tell all your friends you knew about it in advance because you saw the leading indicators on ErosBlog!

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July 4th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Wave The Flag

How’s your 4th of July picnic going this afternoon? Because everybody at this one is having a gay old time!

naked very buff gay man grinning with an American flag clenched between his teeth

Photo is from BJ’s 2023 patriotic greetings. See also this year’s!

Query: Did you notice the telltale teardrop-shaped discoloration on this photo? (Hint: from his navel, below and to the left.) And are you old enough to recognize what it is?

If not, I’ll tell you. That translucent whitish discoloration is most likely the spot where this page in the porn magazine got stuck to the previous page after somebody jerked it (carelessly) and splattered a smear of jizz on the page before putting the magazine away. Back in the day, porn magazines (especially transgressive ones) could be expensive and hard to find. It wasn’t at all rare to find trace indications that someone else had previously appreciated them.

July 3rd, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Patriotic Ass Worship

Truly, what could be more patriotic and celebratory apple-pie-and-baseball wholesome than eating a leather-clad domme’s ass while she stands in front of a huge improperly-displayed American flag? Play ball, I say!

Man on his knees with his face buried in dommy mommy ass

closeup view of a femdom scene with a dominatrix and a submissive man who is worshipfully eating her ass while she tries to smother him

This kinky 4th of July goodness is from Freedom To Fuck at

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