
The Sex Blog Of Record

ErosBlog posts containing ""femdom-resource""

June 7th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

The Simplicity Of Kink

This made me laugh. Paltego at Femdom Resource writes:

Kink is about power, sex, pleasure, control, fetishization, danger, risk, pain and relationships. You know, all the really simple stuff in life.

For some reason this reminds me of Clausewitz on war: “Everything is very simple in war, but the simplest thing is difficult.”

August 18th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

What The Cuck?

cuckold sad

I have noted with puzzlement that an insult derived from “cuckold” is in frequent use among the slangier elements of the American political right. “Cuckservative” — sometimes shortened to just “cuck” — is applied to people on the right who are seen as insufficiently conservative. No, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, and it’s not an area of our modern world upon which I waste many brain cycles. But I have wondered at the usage.

So, too, has Paltego, only he spent some time thinking about it:

The key element of cuckolding is surely the ‘cheating’ aspect and the feelings that provokes. By definition it needs at least three people, with one of them getting off on being spurned and denied. Maybe the cuckold gets off on the woman’s pleasure, or masochistically on the humiliation and rejection, but either way it’s a secret source of enjoyment. Do how does this dynamic map to the insult? If Donald Trump is the bull and Jeb Bush the cuck, who or what is the woman? How is the cheating happening? And is Jeb supposed to be getting a thrill out of it? It doesn’t really make much sense to me.

An article in Esquire suggests a simpler explanation: cuckolds are by definition weak, therefore weak conservatives must perforce be cucks. This view totally ignores the psychodynamics of cuckoldry-as-a-fetish that Paltego is trying to engage, but perhaps that’s no surprise.

And that’s quite enough time spent on that.

Image credit: Anime art at top of post is by Takapiko.

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June 22nd, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Assume The Position

Here’s a nice bit of kinky medical fetish imagery for you:

shoot him up

It’s from the world of advertising, as Femdom Resource explains:

At a quick glance this could be an image from a femdom pegging or a medical play porn scene. In fact it’s an advertisement for disposable one use syringes. The tag line is that ‘non-disposable syringes are the second biggest cause of HIV’, so I guess their pose is meant to allude to the biggest cause. Although that doesn’t make a lot of sense, as pegging is probably one of the safest forms of penetrative sex you can have.

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May 28th, 2013 -- by Bacchus

“Like A Virgin” Anal Cream

It looks like femdom artist Whizzer Black has dreamed up a fantasy rebranding and repurposing for those ridiculous body-shaming alum-based “pussy-tightening” products:

Whizzer Black fremdom cartoon featuring anal tightening cream

“And to REALLY spice things up, don’t forget to use plenty of Howlin’ Jack’s Lube!”

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March 19th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Miriam Margolyes Introduces Herself

This would be very hard to forget:

‘How do you do? I’m Mir…’ She stopped and plucked at her tongue with her thumb and forefinger, ‘…Miriam Margolyes. Sorry about that, I was licking my girlfriend out last night and I’ve still got some of her cunt hairs in my mouth.’

That’s actor Stephen Fry remembering how he met actress Miriam Margolyes, as quoted at Femdom Resource.

March 16th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Mitt And Ann Romney, Horsing Around

Item: multi-centi-millionaire. Item: horse-crazed wife with a love of horsey rituals and gear (dressage). Item: “unemployed” by his own characterization, so plenty of time to play. Item: Lots of real estate, so plenty of private space to play in. Item: pony-boy gear in possession.

Wait, what?

It’s true. According to the Washington Post:

Her son Josh told another New York Times reporter in 2007 that he had given his dad a rubber horse mask so that if he wore it, “maybe Mom will pay as much attention to you as she does to the horses.”

Maybe she would!

And now you’ll never be able to look at him on TV again without imagining him staggering along a forest track somewhere wearing a saddle, his wife in full dressage kit, a horse mask, and about thirty riding crop welts. And nothing else. Well, nothing else except for the sweat. And I imagine he’d maybe have him some fancy $10,000 custom-cobbled hoofy boots from some toney bespoke fetish cobbler in London.

Motive, means, opportunity. The Romneys, they has them all.

When asked about this story a representative of Dogs Against Romney said “If it’s true, I hope he suffers as much as poor terrified Shamus did. But I doubt it — because Ann Romney at least has a horse trailer, so her pets don’t have to ride on the roof.”

(I totally just made that quote entirely up.)

Thanks ever so much to Femdom Resource for spotting this. Rather less thanks, I think, for the resulting mental imagery…

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February 21st, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Forced, Reluctantly, To Look At Pussy

Paltego at Femdom Resource would like to know: what exactly is this young gentleman so concerned about?

a young man in bondage looks apprehensive as one of his female captors pulls down her slacks to expose her pussy

It’s a reasonable question. Could this bit of femdom art really date from that thankfully-bygone era when licking pussy was widely considered (by idiots) to be emasculating? I hope not, because I like Paltego’s purity ring theory better!

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