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ErosBlog posts containing "annie sprinkle"

September 25th, 2009 -- by Bacchus

Citizen Science In The Public Cervix

Sometime in the mid-to-late 1980s, Annie Sprinkle became somewhat famous (or notorious, depending on who you talk to) for her performance art show Porn Post Modernist, which included a bit she called A Public Cervix Announcement:

annie sprinkle shows her cervix as performance art

Personally, I’ve always thought she should have called it “Through Darkest Ignorance With Flashlight And Speculum”:

inspecting annie sprinkle\'s cervix

Well, it’s now twenty(ish) years later, in the age of the internet and digital cameras. Which means Annie’s groundbreaking work has been re-imagined, in the spirit of “citizen science”, as the Beautiful Cervix Project, with high-resolution color photographs taken daily over time, complete with a tip-o-the-hat to the “very talented boyfriend with a headlamp.” The only thing that feels 1980s about this project is the understandable but blogger-unfriendly advance-permission-required photo reproduction policy; in every other respect, it’s very much in the style we’ve come to think of as “Wikipedia Modern”:

Anatomy Text comic from xkcd

Comic credit: xkcd.

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September 11th, 2009 -- by Dr. Faustus

Economics in One Lesson

In yesterday’s mail came David Henry Sterry and R.J. Martin, Jr., eds. Hos, Hookers, Call Girls, and Rent Boys: Professionals Writing on Love, Life, Money, and Sex. And while I’ve barely had time to crack it open, the first thing I see is a very short article by the magnificent Annie Sprinkle (Ph.D., even!), entitled “40 Reasons Why Whores Are My Heroes.”

There’s a lot here, that run from the prosaic

21. Whores relieve millions of people from unwanted stress and tension.

to the humorous

36. Whores have the guts to wear very big wigs.

to the explicitly political culmination.

40. Whores are rebelling against the absurd, patriarchal, sex-negative laws against their profession and are fighting for the right to receive financial compensation for their valuable work.

But I guess I must just be some sort of economist manqué, because what really stuck with me was

6. Whores have careers based on giving pleasure.

Any artist, indeed any worker of any kind, should be proud to say the same thing about herself. You can read the whole thing at Annie Sprinkle’s site here.

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March 9th, 2005 -- by Bacchus

Public Cervix Announcement

Do you remember Annie Sprinkle’s schtick of showing off her cervix as a public service? So does The Educated Slut. She writes:

Just your average, ordinary Thursday night with Jane and Dacia. Guess who bought two pretty new specula?

There are, of course, photos.

October 25th, 2013 -- by Bacchus

Immersion Therapy For Sex Addiction

Considering how completely bogus the whole idea of sex addiction is, the porn spoof of a sex addiction clinic in the September 11 update at Hardcore Gangbang strikes me as rather funny. Of course the patients are in straitjackets and the orderlies are helping with the “therapy” in the padded cell, even before the “doctors” get involved. That’s how you can tell this is a serious medical condition:




If having all the sex could cure this addiction, this place would never fail a patient!

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