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The Sex Blog Of Record
April 9th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Barking At Human Girls

In Real Men Hunt by Celia Kyle and Marina Maddix, Warren the werewolf is trying to court a human woman. It’s going badly, in general, but she likes his company when he’s in wolf form. His packmates have to gently explain why sniffing around her that way isn’t ever going to get the job done:

“So, how long are you planning on trying to melt her heart as a wolf?” Zeke asked the question, ending on a snicker.

“Don’t,” Warren grunted.

“Gonna ask her for a bone on your first date? Get it? Bone?

Warren growled, scowling at the road.

“Look, man, I’m on your side,” Zeke scratched at the scruff on his face. “All I’m saying is the lady may think wolves are cute and fluffy, but how’s she supposed to fall in love with you? You’re barking up the wrong tree, my friend.”

“He’s barking up the right tree,” Val corrected. “The problem is the fact he’s barking.”

“Fuck my life,” Warren groaned under his breath and pressed his hot forehead to the cool glass. “I get it. I’m just taking what I can get as far as spending time with her goes. You heard her. She doesn’t even like me all that much. How the hell am I supposed to convince her she’s my mate?”

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April 7th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

A Gender-Nuanced View Of AI

As a white dude who enjoys playing with tech, it will shock no one to discover that throughout the growing debate over large language models and AI toys/tools like ChatGPT, it entirely eluded me that there might be a gendered nuance to the various reactions and backlashes. Here’s Andrea Grimes educating dudes like me:

An AI-synthesized answer to an even lightly complicated question is to me both useless and terrifying as a woman. I’m already capable of synthesizing my own information because I’m accustomed to sifting through biased data, identifying and excluding unreliable sources, and drawing my own conclusions. Not because I’m a journalist, or because I have a couple of degrees, or because I’m just curious by nature. It’s because I’m a woman. Biggity bam. Asked and answered. I’m always already aware that the information available to me in the world is more likely than not to have been gathered, created, or presented with men, and/or men’s perceived needs, in mind. (See: the entire field of medical research.) I don’t need a robot built by a bunch of tech bros to use its tech bro brain to sift through information deemed relevant by and for tech bros to report back to me on literally anything. I already have that! It’s called the internet, and the tech bros use it to call me fat.

And more:

The AI zeitgeist is rooted in white men being so worried that they are on the verge of having to trust the expertise of people who aren’t just like them that they would rather get their information from a wrong robot.

Just when I thought Grimes had been as provocative as she was gonna be, her subject turned to porn:

Indeed, some men (or men of a type? Hopefully not in general? IDK! This one’s on y’all dudes!) are so excited about the erasive and invisibilizing possibilities of AI that they would rather have their pornography feature AI-generated women than actual human people. Garbage Day’s Ryan Broderick offers a fascinating/revolting and nevertheless on point take:

So I suppose the idea here is to replace human sex workers with A.I.-generated content because these men want to look at sexual content, but they hate the women that make it. They want the machines to free them from the self-loathing of being a “simp”.

And the fact that A.I. porn crushing the human porn industry is compared to journalism is also telling. Because I think for a lot of men, particularly in Gen Z, all of mass media, including pornography, has been successfully coded in their minds as woke and feminine by various far-right reactionaries. And these men are now beginning to see emerging A.I. tools as a way to hurt, and maybe finally vanquish, those who make the human-created media that they seem to hate so much.

I have my own reasons for being interested in AI-generated porn that don’t match the speculations above at all, but I’m super mindful that I’m not all men, to borrow a phrase with my tongue firmly in cheek. Moreover I’m forced to agree that there are signs of misogyny to be found in the community of men who are tinkering with AI porn. I don’t have a link at my fingertips, but I’ve seen porn webmasters in private forums whose excitement over AI porn generation definitely includes, at least in subtext, a powerful whiff of “at last, I can be a pornographer without having to deal with all those whiney-bitch models.”

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April 6th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

It’s Raining Handmaids In Handcuffs

looked out my window, it was raining handmaids in handcuffs

You’ve all heard the “joke” about the programmer/engineer who keeps a loaded gun by his printer in case it makes an unexpected noise and he needs to shoot it. I can only imagine that’s how BabserellaWT felt when her ovulation tracker suddenly demanded to know what state she was in. She wrote:

My ovulation tracker suddenly asked what state I live in

It said telling them was required to continue using the app.

The fuck it is.

I deleted it immediately. Like I’m gonna risk police showing up to my door if I miss a month due to non-pregnancy reasons.


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April 4th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Moment Of Joy #10

Today’s moment of joy:

The most joyous thing I’ve seen today was a man on TikTok who took a really hard look at his wife’s old monthly planners and realized she had inscribed a tiny heart on each date that they had sex. But then he asked what had happened on the other days where she drew in five tiny stars. Turns out, that was self-pleasure time…

“You always give yourself a five-star review?!?”

“Oh, honey, I just know what I like!”

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April 2nd, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Enthusiastic Wife Blowjobs

For all of the embittered male jokes about once-a-year birthday blowjobs, it remains the case that enthusiastic wives give the best blowjobs, because they love their work and they have lots of practice:

Enthusiastic wife grins as she prepares to give an expert blowjob

For once I’m not just superimposing a marital fantasy onto an ambiguous porn photo (not that I’m above doing that). Nope, our girl is wearing her wedding ring with pride!

From Color Climax 15.

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April 1st, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Grandma Can Blow!

March 31st, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Boogie Nights, Down On The Farm
