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The Sex Blog Of Record
January 29th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Jar Jar The Stripper: Provenanced!

Back in 2016 I facetiously suggested that this bizarre horse-head burlesque performer was the unbeloved Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks trying to pick up some extra cash as a strip dancer. Now, I actually have some explanatory provenance for this photo:

barnyard follies burlesque dancer at the panama club in london

The caption in the March 1960 issue of Ace magazine reads

The Panama’s “Barnyard Follies” features chorus girls wearing head masks of farm beasts.

The photo is from an article about the burlesque “revues” at the Club Panama in London. Besides the Barnyard Follies, other shows mentioned include Scotch dance, a “Devil Dance”, Egyptian dance, a “popular Indian routine” (they mean the American kind, with redface), a satire show called “Seeing Stars”, something called “Nudes in the News”, a number titled “On the Spanish Beach”, and a show called “The Sultan’s Harem.” Sounds like a fun lineup!

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January 24th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Her Sense Of Imminent Peril

January 22nd, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Why Rich Men Buy Boats

two topless women frolicking on a sailboat

This delectable pair of topless yacht bunnies are from the pages of the 1960 Adam Annual magazine.

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January 20th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Kink Or AI?

If you spend too much time on the ‘booru image boards, you’ll inevitably find yourself squinting at some sex scene with multiple people in it and asking yourself “why is he sticking his eleven-inch horse cock in her ear?” or “Is that goblin fucking her armpit?”

It used to be that the answer was always “Wow, I’m impressed by the artist’s creative perversity, I never would have imagined putting such a penis in such a place under those particular conditions.”

But nowadays? Well over half the time, the answer is “image was AI generated, model doesn’t know that dicks don’t normally go there or bend like that.” Which for me is always a disappointment. Knowing that a sexual idea was important enough to someone for them to intentionally make art about it is, for me, an important precondition for engaging my own erotic imagination. How would that be? What would that be like? Would it be fun to do, or to watch? Under what fantastic or science-fictional conditions would such at thing even be possible? I’m not going to waste any of that mental effort on AI-generated mistakes.

Yes, I do believe this is a special case of the general principle “If you couldn’t be bothered to write it, I can’t be bothered to read it.”

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January 18th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Hard-Working Fellatrix

At first glance, I couldn’t tell whether this photo of an ambitious woman in a yellow dress working her way down a row of six cocks was some sort of reverse-harem why-choose fantasy, or one of those “the agency was supposed to send over three ladies for the bachelor party but only one showed up” scenarios:

blonde in a yellow sun dress on her knees sucking a cock while five more beefy guys sit in a row with cocks in hand waiting for their turned for a blowjob

What I found out was that it’s from a movie called Muscle Lineup, that was billed as “Straight Guys For Gay Eyes: Straight Porn Made For Gay Men”. Hey, there’s no reason why there can’t be liminal spaces between porn genres!

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January 16th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

Freckles And Puffy Nips

What’s better than a woman who has all the freckles on her tits? Puffy nipples with nice big easy-to-grab nipple rings!

puffy nipples and freckled boobs

From an old porn Tumblr.

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January 14th, 2025 -- by Bacchus

The View From Up Here Is Amazing!

nude nature hike along the sea cliffs at Heliopolis naturist resort on Levant Island in the Riviera

This scenic bit of nudist nature trail hiking is said to be at the Heliopolis naturist resort on Levant Island in the French Mediterranean, according to an article in the February 1956 issue of Nugget magazine.

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