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The Sex Blog Of Record
November 28th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

She Does Not Like The Taste

In all my decades of porn appreciation, I have seen many different blowjob faces. In 20th-century porn especially, it wasn’t too hard to find a model who was doing it for the money and failing to conceal distaste. But, then as now, there was considerable overlap between porn performers and other kinds of sex workers. Keeping a professional face on was more or less the norm, although feigning genuine appreciation was done to a lower standard than today.

I also fancy that the world has relaxed and a lot more people make a regular diet of dick now. Whatever they may think of the taste, it’s not an unwelcome novelty.

But you know what? From the first porn I ever saw until now, this is the most disgusted blowjob face I’ve ever seen:

woman grimacing as she tastes semen after a successful blowjob

I found it in Volume #1, Issue #1 of an undated $10 magazine called Stroke that’s perhaps from the 1970s.

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November 26th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Escapee Lesbians

“Hey, babe, do you want to run away with me? Dump your terrible husband and we’ll go live in a cosycore gypsy caravan with lots of candles and beads and filmy clothes in pretty colors. We can spin and sew and craft and make braided rugs and pretty quilts and brush the horses and never worry about pleasing some silly man, ever again. How about it?

two lesbians in a pretty nest

three views of cottagecore lesbian gypsy life

Photos are from the April 1974 issue of Italian Playman magazine.

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November 24th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Hollywood Kiss, 1926

According to the September 17, 1926 issue of Arts and Vanities magazine, this impressive movie kiss features actor Stuart Holmes and an actress not identified in the caption.

serious movie kiss

The film was Broken Hearts Of Hollywood (1926).

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November 22nd, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Too Slutty? Anal With Her Husband

Jess has a warning for wives about irresponsible drinking. Apparently too much alcohol makes her anally-amorous, but her sphincter has morning-after regrets:


Alcohol makes us slutty! Drank too much last night. Got a little too slutty, with my own husband. But every time I tell him: “We’re not doing that again for a while, that is a special occasion thing, because it fucking hurts the next day.”

And he’s always like “Yeah, I know. It’s always your idea.”

And I’m like “Oh, yeah. I asked for it, right?”

No, I literally do. I literally ask for it every time I have a few drinks, and I back up to him like a cat in a heat. I practically yowel at him! Then I’m the one who pays for it the next day.

Drink responsibly.

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November 20th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Fear Of Pregnancy

On one of her many social media platforms, JojoFromJerz delivers a righteous rant about pregnancy, after a notorious Republican suggested that women should be taught “fear of childlessness” instead of “fear of pregnancy”.

Dear Republicans,

No one is “teaching” us to fear pregnancy, but maybe, just maybe, you should ask yourselves why we might.

Setting aside the fact that it might be because miscarrying women are being forced to contend with sepsis or even die before they can get medical care, what else could it be?

Could it be that they’re afraid of bringing a child into the world YOU’RE currently building?

A world where you’ll let a starving child go hungry at school, let a 6 year old access a loaded firearm at home, or let an 18 year old future school shooter buy two AR-15s and more ammo than an army would need in the span of a few days?

Could it be that you’ve rolled backed child labor laws, armed teachers, banned books, whitewashed history, sane-washed fascism, encouraged discrimination, and stoked intolerance all while trying to impose Christianity on children at the same time?

After nine more paragraphs of similarly furious questions, this:

Young Americans are lining up to get sterilized as we speak. They don’t want to bring babies into the world Republicans are creating. And frankly, who could blame them?

The very idea of starving hungry kids and letting them get Polio makes most of us women, much like Ben Shapiro’s rather unlucky wife… Bone. Dry.

As for me? I’m still stuck on the authoritarian implications of “we should teach fear of childlessness.” What exactly would that sort of pedagogy look like? What goes on in that reeducation camp? Speak up!

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November 17th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Cannoli Explosion

November 15th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

Have Some Cake

A weighty meal of a conversation in the comments under the previous post generated a request for a dessert serving of cheesecake, presumably in the pinup girl sense of the word. But why not two kinds of cake in the same post?

dominatrix birthday cake

Birthday cake with cheesecake dominatrix is signed “Russ Smith” who is Sorenutz on Patreon.

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