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ErosBlog posts containing "dofantasy"

February 22nd, 2013 -- by Bacchus

Fucking With Jesus

So I was searching Tumblr for posts tagged “buttsex” (as one does) when I came upon a rather rude image of Jesus, in agony, being fucked by four Roman soldiers after he’s been nailed to the (very short) cross. I’ll just screenshot that badboy as I found it, complete with the gloriously-understated banality of its tags: jesus, romans, buttsex.

a screenshot of the tumblr page where I found Jesus getting butt sex from four Roman soldiers

I see a piece of art like that and my mind immediately goes to motive. Who made it, and why? Was it something somebody drew just for the troll value, for the sheer pleasure of poking Christians with a stick so they come boiling out of their ant hills? Was it a tongue-in-cheek anti-religious commentary in the old Victorian anti-clerical pornographic tradition? Could it have been actually intended as erotica, perhaps originally published in one of the gay print magazines alongside work by Tom of Finland or Etienne?

One thing that made me think “erotica” was the artful placement of Roman Soldier #4’s plume across the place where you’d expect to see a nail. You’ve got to be pretty sadistic to enjoy images of nailed appendages, but that metaphorical fig leaf makes it possible to imagine that The Dude is “only” tied there, should you so prefer. If trolling for outrage were the sole motive, why throw in that softening detail?

Just like that, I was lost in the deep weeds that are image searching for provenance. Would I find a whole body of hitherto-unsuspected blasphemous gay erotic art of the 1970s? Some DeviantArt genius with a very narrow fetish? An angry atheist with an airbrush? You never can tell these things in advance, it’s always a surprise.

The search was tricky, even arduous. Many sites were visited that featured a wild profusion of anti-religious imagery, mostly captioned in languages I do not speak. But eventually, I found thumbnail references in pure (if niche) porn sites, and eventually (after clicking through degenerate hives of scum and villainy that your antivirus software vendor would prefer you to avoid) I finally came upon the answer (or part of it) to my mystery.

Drum roll, please: Yup, it’s a clever ‘shop. Somebody took some heavy BDSM porn (I was right, I think, about the reason for the lack of nails!) and Jesusified it. Here’s the original:

four Roman soldiers having bondage sex with a crucified woman

That’s art by Damian, which makes sense because he has at least three collections of crucifixion art available: Roman Crucifixions, Roman Crucifixions and Decadence, and Female Crucifixions Through The Ages. Yes, my dear internet, female crucifixion as erotica apparently is a thing.

What’s interesting is how minor the photoshop needed to be. Our artist stripped the attributing watermarks, dropped a crude hammer and a nail at the bottom of the scene, flattened the chest, did the face, and ghosted in the hint of a flopping-in-the-way divine dick:

turning regular BDSM porn into Jesus-rape porn

A remarkable transformation!

So, that’s two hours I’ll never get back, and I still don’t know who decided the world needed to see Jesus getting buttsexed by Roman soldiers.

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December 20th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

“The Patriarchy Has Whips”

Spanking Blog: “Virgin warriors, it turns out, offend the patriarchy. And the patriarchy has whips.”

Ain’t that the truth in a nutshell?

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November 12th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

The Cleaning Of The Queen

Queens and commoners alike need a good brushing out before being delivered to the king’s chamber, apparently. At least, they do if the king commands that they do:

young queen is forcibly scrubbed for the king

a stiff anus brush to make the queen clean and sweet for the king\'s debauchery

rogering the queen with a stiff scrub brush in her tender anus to make her ready for the forced butt sex

more vigorous bush cleansing for the queen and her stinky bits -- the king wants her clean for the anal sex

ass to mouth humiliation for the queen being force-washed by her hostile servant girls

Apparently it’s also prudent to be kind to your serving ladies, too, lest they re-use the ass-brush a little too freely!

Panels are from the Dofantasy comic The Steel Trap Maiden, drawn by Ferres.

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September 25th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

The Triumph Of Science

Dr. Faustus is our resident expert on erotic mad science, of course, but I am still capable of recognizing it when I see it. And I’m seeing it now as I page through the panels of The Clinic, by Erenisch (from Dofantasy). That is, it’s erotic mad science if by “erotic” you mean “she’ll do anything she’s told” and by “science” you mean “technologies for destroying female volition”. (If you think the world isn’t full of men who would turn into generous patrons of science if that’s what science actually meant, you haven’t looked under enough rocks lately.) Also, and this was the dead giveaway, all the best mad science has the fellow chortling as he works:

strapped to a table as a gloating scientiest attempts to convert her into a helpless sex slave

Believe it our not, our villain is working on Zombie Sex Slave Technology #2 in the panel above; he’s already perfected ZSST #1 in the form of an “on button” that works … well, let’s watch, shall we?

don\'t press her on button! Uh oh...

Once that button is on, her brain is not quite hers any more:

dreams of cock under the compulsion of her on button

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July 23rd, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Four Little Words

Has there ever been a man who didn’t feel the ungallant urge to say these four little words at some moment in his life?

collared woman with a dick in her mouth and a look on her face suggesting she still had something to say

It’s possible; what passes in a man’s mind but ne’er passes his lips cannot be proved against him, nor for him, either. Certainly you wouldn’t have to search far for a man who would deny ever having such an rude and disrespectful impulse as that. (We may even hear from some in our comments!) But I implore you, if you know such a man: bear vigilantly in your mind the suspicion that he may be lying. I, myself, of course, would never entertain such a base blah blah blah…

Panel is from a roughie sex comic Slave Sisters by Gary Roberts.

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April 17th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Tube Girls In Space

This batch of tube girls in forced hibernation is for Dr. Faustus, who never saw a tube girl he didn’t like:

sci-fi slave girls in the suspended animation tanks

It’s from a sci-fi sex comic called Space Pirates, that’s drawn by Fernando.

December 22nd, 2011 -- by Bacchus

Britney Spears Circus WHAT?

So the other day I was out with The Nymph as we did a bit of Christmas shopping at our not-very-local discount department store. I checked out alone before The Nymph was done, so that I could pass the contents of my basket across the laser scanners without subjecting those contents to The Nymph’s eagle eye. And as I stood there, my eyes fell upon a display of awful-looking fragrances.

One of which, my brain refused to believe, until I looked again.

The name was, I shit you not, “Britney Spears Circus Fantasy.”

It’s a real thing. You can Google it.

Let me indulge in understatement: I am not confident that the brand image this evokes in the popular mind is the brand image that was hoped for and intended.

The lady is not known for her highbrow tastes. What’s more, by many accounts she enjoys kink and kinky public spectacle. She appears on (some of) her fragrance packaging in a tightrope-act dress, twirling a parasol — but surely she doesn’t expect anyone to think that is her actual circus fantasy? I know the first thing that came into my head involved a sad clown, a bearded Bavarian knife thrower in lederhosen, and one extremely well-trained elephant. Or maybe something involving, you know, pony ears and nipple bells?

circus pony girl

pony girl doing circus tricks

nipple whipped circus ponygirl

ponygirl training as she gets double penetrated in her ass and in her mouth

Image credit: Panels are from a Dofantasy comic called Roman Circus, by Ares.

What does your Britney Spears circus fantasy look like? Ladies and gentleman, step right up, the comments are open!

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